Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2023


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

My only news is that the male Eastern Kingbird arrived this evening, completing his migration all the way from South America. He is very early this year. Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds got into my garage and nested there, wildly attacking me every time I sought my lawn mower. Lol They are bold, brave, and extremely aggressive birds.

Tonight, he landed briefly on my porch window screen and gave me a long look, then he flew around the house to his old nest site. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the male and I have established a detente. They nest in a big fallen tree in my back garden, and I leave them alone. Lol These days, his aggression is mild and more ceremonial than dangerous. Lol I'm very glad he made it back!

Enjoy your week, all.

  • Had a nice coffee break on the seafront there, and noticed the yummy lunches being served to our neighbours. I remarked that it looked like a good place for lunch. No reply at first, then "Um. Maybe sometime."  Too mean to buy any today!  But then, we are going out tonight,  so I mustn't grumble.

  • Hi all, notice we are now on pg4 already.
    Thank you to Diane for starting us off and pleased to hear the Kingbird has arrived safely.

    Thank you for all your news and Lindy for the photos of her holiday island, brightens up the day.
    Gloomy today although it has brightened up a bit.
    New washing machine has arrived - crack of dawn 7.30am. Apparently when I looked at my phone for the time slot it said 1237/14,37. Instead I only just heard a knock on the door, looked out of the bedroom window and there was the delivery van. All very ameniable so it is now in the dining room awaiting fitting which I have arranged for tomorrow.
    Hopefully they won't come before 9am.
  • Lynnette - that once happened to me with a delivery too. Again, the man was very nice. Hope your fitters arrive on time and that you are pleased with your new washer.
    AQ - phew. Quite an outing that. You packed a lot in. I really hope the new lens does the trick for you.
    OG - very interesting re the oystercatchers. I imagine the children sort of protected them. Is J looking for another job now or does he have to wait for one to be offered?
    Lindy - that was a bit nerve wracking finding yourselves “hurtling” in the wrong direction!!! I hope you go back for a nice lunch in the place you discovered.
    It has been a lovely warm sunny day here. My friends and I really enjoyed our trip to Chester Zoo and saw lots. We also had an excellent lunch at their “Oakfield” restaurant.
  • Yes, Rusty, it was a bit disconcerting! :: the speed limit there is 120km per hour (about 70 mph,) and so everyone was whipping along. The biggest & fastest road on the island! Never mind, we sorted it out and doubled back, & ended up going past The Dunes which are a protected area - huge sand dunes where every now and then, I caught sight of wandering tourists climbing the peaks and looking for all the world like Lawrence of Arabia!!

    Tonight we've been out for Steak (me) and Fish of the Day (my OH). We sat on a seafront restaurant and watched the sun go down, although it wasn't particularly spectacular tonight, too cloudy. Lots of attention from the waiters. And a Liqueur for me.

    Tomorrow will be a packing and a lazy day, alternating. Then we'll eat up the leftovers from the fridge!! Home again on Wednesday, which is my OHs birthday, so I have a card ready. We have enjoyed ourselves, and had some of the best weather ever in all the years of coming here.
  • The Marina in Corralejo - in the middle of pic, at the back  is the big ferry with its mouth open ready for cars to board. It goes across to Lanzarote once an hour. From a hill on this side, we can see the coast of Lanzarote and almost make out the hotel we were staying in there, last autumn!

  • View from my chair in the shade, when we stopped for coffee this morning. They brought two coffees by mistake, when I asked for hot chocolate. Ugh!! I hate the taste! Soon put right. I bought a beaded necklace in a nice shop I know, and we got another naughty cake to eat in the afternoon, although this time we had a big one between us!

  • The main pedestrianised street in Correlejo - we remember it being jammed with traffic 20 years ago! Many shops there, of every kind.

  • A fishy for you! From outside one of the restaurants.

    Ugly brute....

  • Lynette, nice that your new w machine arrived, even though it was early. I've learned to take it with a pinch of salt when they give an estimated time of delivery these days.

    My spellchecker just put "survived" instead of "arrived" LOL!!!
  • Lindybird: Are most off the visitors there from the UK? Gosh, can't believe you're already packing to go home.