Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2023


No spring here, and nobody's happy on my patch. The temp this morning was 17F; that's minus -8.3C. The "feels like" temp was 4F; that's minus -15.5C. The White Pelicans are still huddled on my two local lakes. They can't move on to Canada because it's even colder north of me.

The red-tailed hawks are very unhappy, because the Black Vultures have returned from migration. Even though R.T. Hawk and his mate chased them off last year, they decided to settle back here again. They must be a threat to the hawks' chicks because R.T. is NOT pleased. He ruffled his feathers and gave me a look like, "Well, do something!"

The red male Cardinal is not happy because the Chickadees are eating what's left of the weed tree seeds. The Cardinals are trying to build a nest above the window outside my enclosed porch, and the male has to stop and chase the Chickadees. 

I am not at all happy because my internet for my computer is down, and all I have is my phone. I'm in a snit with my internet provider. 

Well, it's now snowing, and I'm heading for bed. Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Good morning all from a soggy Suffolk. It is meant to turn dry later this morning - I hope so as today and tomorrow are my 2 days off work this week and I was hoping to get over to Minsmere nature reservce for one of their health walks.

    Thanks Diane for starting us and for the critters update. I do hope your weather is better.

    AQ - Sorry about yoour fall and hope no lasting injuries. I love your photos and descriptions of your trips - it feels like we are all ttravelling with you.

    OG - sorry you missed the concert and hope you can plan another one soon. Re phones - I don't know many people that use their landlines anymore as its cost nothing for most mobile calls but I agreed that the signal does drop occasional during a call and makes it difficult - I have that problem when speaking to my Daughter in Northhamptonshire.

    Dibnlib - Glad Benson is improving. My Sister and BIL have 2 14year old Jack Russells - brother and sister. The girl is just like a puppy and dances around on back legs when she gets excited and is always up for a walk but the boy has really aged - almost deaf and blind and sleeps most of the time - its is very stressful ,so I hope your OH is feeling more relaxed now Benson has improved.

    Lindy - it sound like you and OH are having a very relaxed break away from our dismal weather.

    To everyone else - please keep all the posts coming - I do read them every morning and its a llovely way to start the day.

    Im off to have a look at the Osprey sites for more updates.

    Take care all

  • OG - so sorry you didn’t get to the concert. I thought everywhere had to be “accessible “ these days. I remember the golf club having to spend quite a lot of money so that all areas of the clubhouse could be accessed.
    Lindy - your and your OH are in a lovely place. I can relate to the stiffness!!! Continue to relax and enjoy.
    Heather - I hope you are OK.
    Dibnlib - I hope stomach cramps were the issue with Benson and that he is now recovered. I am sorry your OH got upset.
    Harelady - lovely to hear from you. Enjoy your trip to Minsmere for the health walk. Minsmere is on my list of must visit places but it is s difficult journey from here in North Wales.
    I have just had my first annual phone call from the oncologist. We have agreed that I will have a face to face appointment next year and, all being well, he will discharge me. I will continue to get the annual mammograms though. I now await the arrival of my hairdresser who kindly rejigged her appointments so that I could take the phone call between 9 and 10. This afternoon I have an appointment re my hearing aids!!! It’s one of those days!!! I am hoping to be back out birdwatching tomorrow - weather permitting!!!
  • Hello all - sorry about lack of news - but there isn't much !
    I've been busy sorting out paperwork and giving stuff to my family. Things that I want them to have. It's a bit different when you are in what is called a ' blended family'. I don't plan to fall off my perch yet but when I do, things could get a bit muddled with my family and OH's both going through things. Hope that makes sense.
  • Of course it does, Heather. Not treading on any toes is important for family harmony. Much easier for me, as only 2 sons and very few other relatives, except of course for my OHs sisters & their broods.

    One of my daughters in law is a Flinger, so I expect things I and my mother have treasured will be thrown out, LOL!!

    Sunny mixed with cloudy here. Just been for a walk on the surfers beach & took some pics but now running out of power on here, so later.
  • Bot invalids much improved, thank you. Turns out OH has an ear infection, which he is prone to. Luckily he got a appt with his GP and we have just collected his meds. We are resting Benson again today the back to walks tomorrow.
  • Good to read that both your invalids are getting better, DIBNLIB !
  • AQ - thank you for the link to the history of S.A. and the Angas family. I carried on looking via Wiki and at one stage, got confused between the original and his son !
  • Hallo all:  Been busy here too, but have read all the news - please excuse if responses are patchy and inconsistent.  Hope various ailing dogs and people are improving!  :-)

    Heather:  I've spent the last two days packing up stuff that my OH's parents picked up on their travels in South America, some of it very old and moderately valuable. We're keeping just a couple of really pretty pieces (granddaughter is the one who's long admired them), but need to get rid of the rest.  The auction house we've used in the past in LA says none of the individual items are worth their time (how rude!) but referred us to a reputable auction house -  in New York! - that's expressed interest and quoted us reasonable prices so I'm sending them off swaddled in miles of bubble wrap and double-boxed with bags of styrofoam pellets.  I just hope they sell for enough to cover the cost of shipping!  At least they'll be out of the house (actually the garage where we put them when Covid first broke out and we weren't sending anything anywhere.)

    Rusty:  My niece has been looking to take my bro-in-law to a concert in London or elsewhere for his 90th birthday, but is finding that 'accessible' doesn't mean it's easy in terms of parking/drop-off/pick-up, etc.  

    So granddaughter went to her boss's retirement lunch today - he's now retired except for turning in his uniform and equipment, etc. And STILL they haven't announced who'll fill his place.  He is beside himself with exasperation over the delay (well, everyone is!).  Meanwhile, because she's the Field Training Officer for the department, she automatically becomes "acting" in her boss's job, which makes me wonder just how long that will last.  It's going to be rough either way:  One of her colleagues has just left for surgery that will keep her off work for four weeks, another is already away with a work-related injury and another colleague's mother-in-law died suddenly over the weekend,  so he's off on bereavement leave - and just to make things easier, his wife is newly pregnant and having problems.  .

    Grandson called today; he's been up in the Central Valley for four days maintaining equipment used by first responders and swift-water-rescue teams sent to help with all the floods. He's been working 16-hour days but loving the challenge.  And he's getting paid for his efforts, which I doubt will be the case for his sister in her 'acting' role.  Grrrr.

    Anyway, sorry this has been a 'me, me, me' post.  I'll do better tomorrow.  Take care all