Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2023


No spring here, and nobody's happy on my patch. The temp this morning was 17F; that's minus -8.3C. The "feels like" temp was 4F; that's minus -15.5C. The White Pelicans are still huddled on my two local lakes. They can't move on to Canada because it's even colder north of me.

The red-tailed hawks are very unhappy, because the Black Vultures have returned from migration. Even though R.T. Hawk and his mate chased them off last year, they decided to settle back here again. They must be a threat to the hawks' chicks because R.T. is NOT pleased. He ruffled his feathers and gave me a look like, "Well, do something!"

The red male Cardinal is not happy because the Chickadees are eating what's left of the weed tree seeds. The Cardinals are trying to build a nest above the window outside my enclosed porch, and the male has to stop and chase the Chickadees. 

I am not at all happy because my internet for my computer is down, and all I have is my phone. I'm in a snit with my internet provider. 

Well, it's now snowing, and I'm heading for bed. Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • RUSTY Your French classes sound such fun.

    Thank you for your words on Benson. His tummy upset seemed to be better as he was able to keep his chicken and rice down. We were looking forward to giving him a good walk at the uni yesterday. Unfortunately he developed a very bad limp so instead of a walk it was off to the vet. She thinks it is a ligament problem and with rest will sort itself out. If it doesn't them it will be an X-ray and possibly a very expensive op. OH is back for a follow up this morning. In the meantime no stairs and no jumping on chairs so everything is blocked off.
  • Dibnlib - poor Benson. I do hope the ligament problem will sort itself out with rest (that won’t be easy!!!)
    I fed the birds (putting off the cleaning!) and pegged out the washing. Whilst doing the latter I noted that 2 huge wood pigeons had squashed themselves onto my bird table (it has a little roof) and were eating the seed intended for the robins etc. Most annoying. I did also notice a blackbird on the fence with a huge beak full of nesting material. They usually nest in next doors tree.
  • Lindy - I remember reading 'The Egg and I' yonks ago and really enjoying it. So in a rare few moments of 'surfing' I found this - the original film, which I haven't watched. Might make amusing holiday viewing for you - Fred McMurray is always amusing, if rather dated. www.bing.com/.../search

    Hope this link works - I just googled 'The Egg and I - film' in case it doesn't!
  • RUSTY Different diagnosis for Benson today and more promising. He really is so much better which is more than can be said for our bank balance!!!
  • I read through the thread yesterday, then didn’t have time to reply! There were a lot of phone calls – mostly for J who was at work – including one from his work which made me fear he hadn’t arrived in the morning! He was okay. Cleaners came in the afternoon as usual.

    Just seen a whole raft of new posts! Help! Ah, I see a lot are photos! Thanks, AQ. Sanitizer on a grazed elbow? That must have made you yelp – but maybe it doesn’t contain so much alcohol down under!

    We missed the concert on Sunday – suddenly awoke with a nightmare at 4:30am remembering lack of a proper wheelchair access to the hall! Both Daughters called for M Sunday. Had a good conversation with one, but the other was impossible. Both insist on using mobiles for everything and hers was really faulty – says she has a landline for emergencies but don’t expect them to hear it ring as it is shut in the study and without a message system! I give up!

    DIBNLIB – glad Benson’s tum got better, but sorry about his leg – that could get quite expensive at the vet – poor boy. I just saw the update and that you have a new diagnosis – just hope he will soon recover!
  • Well, I've been very remiss but hope to chat tomorrow ! Thanks to all for pics and posts.
  • Thanks OG. Todays vet thinks the leg which he was holding high was related to the stomach cramps. I do hope so. He really seems fine now but no exercise allowed at the moment Luckily he is taking antibiotics no problem.So I have a 2nd invalid on my hands as OH has gone to bed feeling worn out. He really decided Benson was on his last legs and got completely stressed out. Benson is our 4th dog (we had 3 Goodies prior to Benson) and there is no doubt OH is besotted.

    Sorry to hear you had problems speaking to one of your daughters. I have a cousin who lives in France and I do dread her phone calls as I struggle to hear a word she says.

    HEATHER hope you are ok
  • Dibnlib - Sorry you've had lots of worry about poor Benson. Vets are so clever these days,, I'm sure they'll do their best.

    I see I've been writing in triplicate again!!!
  • Pat - Thanks for the link to the film. I might investigate it later. I vaguely remember that there was a film of it, but can't remember now if I've seen it.

    We've had a very warm & sunny day here, with almost no wind. After spending an hour wandering the town, we took the car to a deep pool with a sandy beach, and my OH enjoyed himself swimming in it, whilst I paddled! Then I sat on a towel on the sand: all very fine and dandy till it was time to leave, and I couldn't get up. I had to lever myself and my OH had to pull on my arm. Afterwards I found I'd really squashed my knee by trying to kneel, so now its stiff. Old age is not for wimps!
  • Big rollers coming in on the seafront. If you enlarge, you can see a tiny man in red on the right hand side, to give an idea of scale.