News from Other Nests - 2023

.News from Other Nests 2022

First, a fantastic resource for international cams given to us by LISA K last year:

Nature Chat

Last season we included Tweed Valley (cam not yet up), Alyth and others that I can't bring to mind right now.  Let's see how this season goes before deciding which cams may now require their own thread.

  • Unknown said:
    Rosie has announced that Samson is back at Border Ospreys. He was seen in the nest at 0600 this morning.

    That’s great news! Smiley

    Here is a link to Rosie’s blog and photos re Samson

  • Brought in thousands of pounds to the area and kept the Ospreys safe from intrusion - why on earth did FLS ever think of turning off the nest cams? Good thing they’ve changed their minds.

  • That’s brilliant news Geemeff. I know the café at Loch Doon posts some photos and updates on their Facebook throughout the season but this will be even better.

    Hello Frankie (blue FK4) and Angel.(unringed) Wave

    Frankie arrived 1st April and Angel, 2nd. They may well be sitting on an egg now or just about to,
  • Some updates posted on Tweed Valley OP Fb yesterday (19.4.23) and today

    Link to video here


    Link to video here

    Nest 2

    Back to nest 1

    Link to video here

  • Thanks for all of the Tweed Valley updates and links Sandra. So glad Glen’s parents have been reunited. Hugging
  • Captiva Osprey
    It's so sad. Yesterday (21 april) Florence left the nest after eating a fish, and hasn't been seen since.
    Angus has been incubating the egg for a couple of hours, but most of the night and day they were uncovered, and will most likely not hatch (they were 27 and 30 days).
    The whereabouts of Florence are not known. People have been searching the area, but so far without success.

    Together with the news 2 weeks ago that the bald eagle Connick was losing his prime feathers, fell out of the nest and was taken to the vet. He seems to be doing quite well at the moment, but is in Audibon a rehab centre.
    And of course the loss of Mabel earlier this season and formost the hurricane at the start of the season, these are tough times for them.

    And the moment I posted this: Florence returned.. after more than 24 hours away. The eggs will not be viable of course

  • Oh Bart, so pleased that Florence has returned! I wonder what made her leave in the first place? Such a shame about the eggs though and so close to the hatch window opening too :(

    Many thanks for the update on Connick, I think it was a blessing that he accidentally fell from the nest, at least CROW could assess the cause of his feather loss and get treatment started. He will do so well at Audubon. I do feel so sorry for Connie and Clive, they must wonder where their 'almost' fledgling disappeared to,

    Thanks so much.
  • Yorkshire Dales Ospreys

    It looks like they have returned for their second season, lets hope it's as successful, if not more so, than last year. Here is the article-

    The ospreys have returned to one of our Yorkshire grouse estates to breed. Two artificial nest platforms were erected last year by estate staff. Two small lakes were stocked with trout and in 2022 the reward was two youngsters - the first recorded ospreys to nest in Yorkshire for hundreds of years. These wonderful birds are the perfect compliment to the other raptors that visit and breed on our moorlands. Contrary to the myth that gamekeepers are a generic creed with their heads stuck in the Victorian era, these modern gamekeepers are not only working with ospreys but also hen harriers, merlins, barn owls and kestrels. These ospreys and the effort put in by the estate to help them is testimony to modern gamekeeping and conservation going hand in hand. This clip, filmed by one of our keepers, shows the pair alighting and copulating on the tree top. Let’s hope eggs will soon follow. Credit to the owner and management at Castle Bolton Estate, Wensleydale.

    Click HERE to see video 

    Richard B

  • Richard, do you know the ring numbers of the pair on the Castle Bolton Estate nest?
  • I believe they were ringed 7C3 and 7C4.

    The parents were an unbanded male and the female is banded KS1, a 2018 female from the Glaslyn nest, her parents being Mrs G and Aran, so from very good breeding stock.

    Richard B