News from Other Nests - 2023

.News from Other Nests 2022

First, a fantastic resource for international cams given to us by LISA K last year:

Nature Chat

Last season we included Tweed Valley (cam not yet up), Alyth and others that I can't bring to mind right now.  Let's see how this season goes before deciding which cams may now require their own thread.

  • Friends of Threave posted this on their Facebook yesterday 04/04
    Friends of Threave Osprey
    1 d ·
     Morning all Blush
     She has been sitting on the nest all night again and still there nowThumbsup
     Fingers, toes, legs and arms crossed Fingers crossedFingers crossedFingers crossed
     Let's see what the volunteers say today, behaviour wise Blush
     Looking like a nice day again, so far Thumbsup

  • We visited the viewing platform at Threaves on Monday, and saw the pair on the nest. Then they flew around after getting spooked by something, possibly a young pale coloured Red Kite, who stationed itself on a tree not too far away from the nest.
  • Wow, that must’ve been amazing Nellie. Blush
  • Great to see but unfortunately don't have a camera good enough to capture their flight.
  • Yeah, that’s my ambition to manage that but don’t suppose I could afford the camera!!
  • OK, not an Osprey, but a pretty good story so I hope I may put it here.

    First there was this:

    And now there's this!  #GoMurphy! Best of luck to you..

  • What a wonderful, heartwarming story, Geemeff, thanks for sharing. Fingers crossed the bonding goes well for them both!

    Edit: I just had to investigate! lol 

    I found this link which includes some background history on Murphy

  • Haha, very good Sandra and thanks Geemeff for the story. We will wait with bated breath!
  • Argaty tweeted 06.04.23.  Threave are wondering if it’s one of their 2020 birds as they were unringed due to Covid.


    All going well there Smiley

    Friends of Threave Osprey
    1 d ·
    A mixed Spring day here, with lots of sunshine between periods of icy winds and showers. We've been very busy here again at the Nature Reserve and I expect we'll get large visitor numbers reported back from our devoted volunteers at the Dee View wildlife hide!
    The Ospreys are likely now looking after at 2 eggs, the 2nd possibly laid yesterday or today. The female lays a clutch of 2-4 eggs, normally 3 in total. She'll incubate them most of the time but as we saw yesterday sometimes the male takes a short stint in-between providing fish for the pair.
    In other reserve news our fantastic Nature Reserve volunteers have continued tree planting today with further numbers of Blackthorn and Wych elm, providing future woodland habitat for species in the future. Working hard we only stopped briefly to count up to 700 Pink footed geese fly over the reserve, won't be long till they are away now.
    Thank you for all your help today!