Llyn Clywedog March - May 2023

Llyn Clywedog is a reservoir situated near the B4518 road north of Llanidloes, Powys, Mid Wales. The reservoir is owned and operated by Severn Trent Water, with oversight and regulation by Natural Resources Wales. A sailing club and a very active trout fishery operate on the reservoir. The fishery stock the lake with tens of thousands of trout every year. 

In 2005 Natural Resources Wales erected an osprey platform; this was eventually occupied in 2014, and has been used every season since then.

In 2022 the unringed osprey known as Dylan returned to the nest for his seventh season as the resident male. Since 2020 the resident female has been Blue 5F(12) (known as Seren - Welsh for Star). She hatched in Rutland in 2012. Previously she had for several years been unsuccessful in attracting the sole attention of a male to a nest at Pont Croesor. The previous unringed female (Delyth) did not return in 2020, and Seren 5F replaced her.  In 2020 Dylan and 5F Seren fledged 3 male young, in 2021 (a cold and wet season) only one male fledged, and in 2022 one female and 2 males. 5F Seren has regularly been seen in Africa in winter for many years - she was last reported as seen in the Gambia on 1 February 2023.

In 2022 5F Seren returned to the nest on 26 March; Dylan arrived on 5 April, which is later than he arrived in previous years.

There is no visitor centre or facilities. The nest can be observed from a temporary hide in a layby off the minor road. There is a footpath close to the nest which is closed and blocked off during the nesting season.

The nest is looked after by the area NRW ranger John Williams; he has a blog on this link. There is a more comprehensive history of the site in his blog. John goes well beyond the call of duty to support the ospreys and ensure that the cameras are running etc.

There is an active Facebook group for the nest on this link. The group tries to record all fish deliveries which are collated for analysis. 

There are 2 streaming cameras provided by Carnyx Wild. The  links for the live stream change every 12 hours, the latest can be seen on the playlist links below.

Camera 1 is a close-up of the nest. - playlist on this link

Camera 2 gives a wider view with two perches - playlist on this link This camera is not being transmitted at the moment due to condensation obscuring the view.

  • Brilliant! Thanks so much for the new thread and comprehensive info with links, AG!

    Looking forward to another great season.

  • Thank you for starting the thread and for all that info, AG  Blush

    My first foray into Peter's new setup has led to my first nervous breakdown of the season:

    Camera 1 is a close-up of the nest. - playlist on this link

    Camera 2 gives a wider view with two perches - playlist on this link

    As you specify, the above links are to the playlists, not merely to the current live streams - the URL in each live stream gives instruction to download all the playlists, leading to a deluge disaster!

    ... ... ...

    Sanity restored!  Whilst I've been typing, Peter has added the live streams to his YT channel, carrying on the same practice as last year.

    We (that means "I") will still face the same difficulties because of the streams cutting off every 12 hours, but we'll do our best - this is such a precious nest.

    Apologies for the outburst, I just can't be self-contained Frowning2

  • From the rollbacks - finishing touches - I wonder why the bundle of twigs?  Maybe he's trying to prevent them getting too close to the cam?  In which case - thank you, John, and thanks to Peter and John for everything Blue heart

  • Camera 1 is about a foot further away from the nest than previously - will hopefully reduce the chance of exocet impact!
  • Fabulous opener for the 2023 season AG, thanks. I had no idea Seren was Welsh for Star. Star️  Here’s hoping for another successful season for Seren and Dylan,

  • Unknown said:
    Camera 1 is about a foot further away from the nest than previously - will hopefully reduce the chance of exocet impact!

    Of course!  How could I forget?!  Fingers crossed it works.

  • Thanks for the thread AG, and for the information. Fingers crossed the pair return and have another successful year. I do love 5F/Seren...felt so sorry for her during all those years when she had no permanent partner, just Aran practically next door for entertainment but he drew the line at bringing her any fish! But now she has had chicks and I hope she has many more.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Certainly agree with you Gardenbirder.  My heart went out to Seren as well. That awful moment when Mrs G pinned her wing  - understandable and all that, defending her mate and nest and Aran was a naughty boy toying with her. So glad Dylan found another mate after his sadness too . Safe return Seren and Dylan.

  • Scylla there was a note on chat that the IR would not be switched on last night as the batteries had not chargd from the solar panels sufficiently.
  • Unknown said:
    the batteries had not chargd from the solar panels sufficiently.

    Thank you, AG.  I wonder if it'll be any better today, it's got gloomier by the hour :(((

    Lunchtime - he's still looking for a mate, did some sweet tweeting: