Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 March 2023


The White Pelicans are back for their migration layover on their way to the Canadian breeding grounds. They always arrive here sometime between late February and early April. I think they wish they'd waited a little longer this year. They're huddled on an island in the lake waiting for the snow tonight!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

  • Good to hear from you OG. Belated happy birthday to EE.....hope you enjoy the concert.

    Sorry to hear about the violence J has had to endure
  • Lindybird - nice to hear the appartment comes up to expectation and that you are enjoying your break. As to family trees I tend to do my researching through Ancestry UK as I don't drive to get to places where known ancestors are from. It is fascinating though and can trace one line of the family back to the 1500's.

    OG - nice to hear your week went better and that J has overcome his difficulties re the recent violence.

    Son rang me yesterday to wish Happy Mothers Day , he has gone down to Bristol to join his wife who is staying with
    her dau and family. Nice thought. Dau is cooking at home and has banned me from the kitchen tomorrow. Didn't fancy going out as menu's are not always what one fancies.

    For all mums - HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
    Have a good weekend all.
  • Lindybird:  I remember my sister reading The Egg and I eons ago when she was a teenager.  She said it was really funny; I've never read it.  Apparently, MacDonald was sued (unsuccessfully) by former neighbors on Vashon Island who claimed she'd based her Ma & Pa Kettle characters on them, subjecting them to ridicule. My Mom used to love the Ma & Pa Kettle movies - Marjorie Main was a hoot.   I didn't realize MacDonald died so young - at only 50.  Glad you're enjoying yourself. 

    AQ: Thanks for the travel tip; Yellow Man and I are regular travel buddies. :-)  OK, so just back from very quick tour and I swear those neighborhoods could be around here, same kind of vegetation -  palm trees and jacarandas etc.    Also just stopped by Angaston - lots of wineries, plus the 40's Cafe which boasted their pizza as having been voted the best in the country! (that was back in 2016, so who knows now).   I see Mr. A was tagged as someone who believed in "philanthropy plus 10%"  so yes, shrewd and rich by the sounds of it.  Hope the day trip is good.  Are you still taking photos of churches?  Do the wineries in the Barossa Valley have tasting/dining rooms, etc.?  It's a big money-maker for the wineries around here.

    Rusty:  Yes, nature is indeed wonderful, in spite of all mankind's screw ups.   

    OG:  Geez, that's just awful about the violence in schools - and in the primary schools too!  Are the mothers and fathers - sorry! - parents falling down on the job?    Which makes me wonder:  Are we still calling it Mothers Day?  :-))  Wonder what OXFAM has to say about that.  Can't imagine the Hallmark folks would agree.    Granddaughter was hoping to hear about the job outcome before the weekend. She was told she'd 'nailed' the interview by her boss who was one of the interviewers.  Still. we'll see,  nothing is certain in this world.  I'm sure she'll hear early in the week.  Hope EE enjoys the lawnmower. 

    Lynette: Wish someone would ban me from the kitchen...

    Take care all.