Brief history of Manton Bay:

The nest was first occupied by White 08(97) and Green 5N(04) in 2007 who raised 2 chicks.  In 2008 they paired again but the nest failed and in 2009 it was unused.   In 2010 a new pair, Green 5R(04) and an unringed female nicknamed Mrs 5R, took up residence and over the next four years raised 11 chicks.   Green 5R(04) failed to return in 2014 and Mrs 5R paired with a new mate, Blue 28(10) and laid 3 eggs.  Blue 33(11) arrived determined to claim this nest and evicted Blue 28(10).  Blue 33(11) kicked out the eggs and spent the remainder of the season bonding with Mrs 5R who was then officially named “Maya”.   Since 2015, Maya and Blue 33(11) have returned reuniting their partnership and to date have successfully raised 23 chicks.

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33(11) a safe journey home and for another successful season.

  • 33 flew in with little bits:

    Had to go straight into defence mode but nothing came of it:

    Big stick!  It ended up over our side of the nest, hanging on:

    I didn't see any more fish but stand to be corrected.

  • Morning ALL -

    couple of captures of Maya incubating overnight

    07:42   33 defending the nest

    08:07  changeover

    33 taking a turn as Maya has a break

    08:21   33 flies off

    lovely clear view of the eggs

    08:22  Maya returns

    and incubating once more

    08:42   Presently - Maya still incubating

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

    Thanks everyone for all the updates - off now, catch up later 

  • 11:32  33 arrives, looking around

    11:34  Maya rises to take a break

    33 stands for a bit

    11:38  33 settled down

    11:43  Maya returns - think she has had a bath

    11:45  Maya takes over - 33 flies off

    12:02  33 returns and Maya is not for budging

    so 33 gets himself settled down along side her lol

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

  • 33 with a fish


    Maya leaves, without fish 

    But comes back a minute later to collect it

  • Morning ALL and thanks for all the updates

    07:30  change over and a quick peek at the eggs

    and someone is raiding the cattle feeders LOL

    yes, adults and eggs all tucked up lovely and toasty

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 


  • It's really windy today.. but it provides a view of a beautiful vertical take-off by maya

  • Darned wind.. well he tried!

    And I like his little hop at the end

  • Fish at 20.03... and 20.13 as 33 couldn't let go of the fish in the first delivery attempt, and had a retry 10 minutes later..
    A well deserved fish for maya

  • And the last one for today.. a sped up version of the 7 (well until the fish at 8pm actually) hours (sped up to 1 minute) wind watch by maya.. 33 had only 10 minutes on the nest..