Brief history of Manton Bay:

The nest was first occupied by White 08(97) and Green 5N(04) in 2007 who raised 2 chicks.  In 2008 they paired again but the nest failed and in 2009 it was unused.   In 2010 a new pair, Green 5R(04) and an unringed female nicknamed Mrs 5R, took up residence and over the next four years raised 11 chicks.   Green 5R(04) failed to return in 2014 and Mrs 5R paired with a new mate, Blue 28(10) and laid 3 eggs.  Blue 33(11) arrived determined to claim this nest and evicted Blue 28(10).  Blue 33(11) kicked out the eggs and spent the remainder of the season bonding with Mrs 5R who was then officially named “Maya”.   Since 2015, Maya and Blue 33(11) have returned reuniting their partnership and to date have successfully raised 23 chicks.

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33(11) a safe journey home and for another successful season.

  • Some Info:

    Maya & Blue 33(11) Arrival Dates 



    Blue 33(11)


    Apr 6

    Apr 6


    Mar 21

    Mar 27


    Mar 22

    Mar 22


    Mar 12

    Mar 14


    Mar 14

    Mar 23


    Mar 16

    Mar 16


    Mar 19

    Mar 19


    Mar 15

    Mar 21

    Manton Bay Nest Breeding Stats -  2007 – Present 






    White 08(97)

    Green 5N(04)

    White YK(F),  White YP(M)


    White 08(97)

    Green 5N(04)

    Nest Failed




    Green 5R(04)

    Unringed/Mrs 5R

    Blue 29(F), Blue 30(M), Blue 31(M)


    Green 5R(04)

    Unringed/Mrs 5R

    Blue 22(M), Blue 32(M), Blue 52(M)


    Green 5R(04)

    Unringed/Mrs 5R

    Blue 8F(M), Blue 9F(M)


    Green 5R(04)

    Unringed/Mrs 5R

    Blue 1J(M), Blue 2J(F), Blue 3J(F)


    Blue 28(10)

    Blue 33(11)

    Unringed/Mrs 5R


    Eggs kicked out by Blue 33(11)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue S1(M), Blue S2(M), Blue S3(F)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue T6(F), Blue T7(F), Blue T8(M)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 2AM(M), Blue 2AN(F)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 3AU(M), Blue 3AW(F)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 054(F), Blue 055(M), Blue 056(M), Blue 057(F)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 080(M), Blue 081(M), Blue 082(M), Blue 083(M)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 096(M), Blue 095(F)


    Blue 33(11)


    Blue 1H1(F), Blue 1H2(F), Blue 1H3 (F)


  • Nest looking good and waiting on its occupants arriving

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

    The earliest return date here was back in 2018 when Maya arrived on March 12

  • Thank you so much Karen for starting new season with such great stats, here's wishing early return of the lovely pair!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh yay, Karen, great to 'see' you! So pleased your hard work on the OP, and subsequent post, has now shown up on the new thread, thank you!
    Safe journey to Maya and B33 and all the other returnees.
  • Thanks Wendy and Sandra - you're welcome.

    Sandra, the above post containing the stats posted fine - it is when I post links to the previous threads (as I usually do) that the mods are removing. I did try and was removed so I'm not going to attempt posting it again.

    Peewit: Lovely you have visited Rutland and enjoyed many adventures on the Rutland Belle. Perhaps if you have a spare moment and some photos you'd like to share then we'd love to see them whilst we await the stars returning :-)
  • Fabulous openers on the new thread Karen, so informative. Well done on getting it up! Clap
  • Thanks for the new thread, Karen, and all of the fabulous statistics. At least after being kicked out by Blue 33, Blue 28, aka Wonky Wing, (you probably know that he and Blue 33 are full brothers only a year apart in age) went on to have many chicks of his own with a female on another nest in the Rutland area) and he became the ruler of the fish pond nearby as well. I still miss the wonderful Green 5R, an older half brother of Blue 28 and 33. I remember back in the spring of 2014 I was anxiously waiting for 5R who was due to return any day at the time. Very sadly, 5R never appeared, as you know, and I was heart-broken, having seen him and Mrs 5R the previous year during Birdfair--they were my first ever sightings (in-person) of UK Ospreys. One of their 2013 chicks, 3J (now Telyn at Dyfi) was doing her famous shouting at Dad for fish when we were in the hide. At least Mrs 5R/Maya returned in 2014 (and two of the three 2013 chicks from the Manton Bay nest also returned after a couple of years away, 3J and her brother, 1J). Now, of course, another female from another Rutland nest, Blue CJ7 (another relative of 5R, 28 and 33) has carried on the tradition of some other Rutland females of spreading out across the country, having become the breeding female at Poole Harbour. Fingers crossed she and her partner return again this year, too.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you for getting this thread up and ready Karen. I’m sure I replied before but I can’t see a post, the mysterious ways of RSPB Community forums.
  • Unknown said:
    I remember back in the spring of 2014 I was anxiously waiting for 5R who was due to return any day at the time.

    A terrific stream of consciousness, GB, all that embedded in your mind!  So enjoyable to read Heart eyes  

    That year I fell in love with Mrs5R, she defended her nest so steadfastly and fearlessly vs those corvids and others.

  • Great stuff ! what a history lesson . Thanks so much Gardenbirder