Brief history of Manton Bay:

The nest was first occupied by White 08(97) and Green 5N(04) in 2007 who raised 2 chicks.  In 2008 they paired again but the nest failed and in 2009 it was unused.   In 2010 a new pair, Green 5R(04) and an unringed female nicknamed Mrs 5R, took up residence and over the next four years raised 11 chicks.   Green 5R(04) failed to return in 2014 and Mrs 5R paired with a new mate, Blue 28(10) and laid 3 eggs.  Blue 33(11) arrived determined to claim this nest and evicted Blue 28(10).  Blue 33(11) kicked out the eggs and spent the remainder of the season bonding with Mrs 5R who was then officially named “Maya”.   Since 2015, Maya and Blue 33(11) have returned reuniting their partnership and to date have successfully raised 23 chicks.

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust 

Here’s wishing Maya and Blue 33(11) a safe journey home and for another successful season.

  • Absolutely marvellous! Thank you very much, Geemeff.
  • Geemeff said:
    Anticipating the imminent return of Maya and Blue 33, I posted a video a couple of days ago, from my trip there last March, and got this 'content review' message which I screenshot.

    I haven't had that, Geemeff - but since I posted a video that YouTube had kindly edited some copyright out of (it was from the BBC airing of an Osprey feeding chick at the World Athletics championships in the USA), I have been unable to watch any of my own videos on this site, I get black screen with buffer circle - they're fine on YouTube.  But I don't think that's related.

    In view of KAREN's difficulties, and the fact that I feel sure that we do not have any mods whatsoever, I wonder if something was broken durng the first of the month whatever-it-is-they-do-that-freezes-everything-up procedure ???

    EDIT - I've just wasted 10+ minutes trying to find them in your YT channel, my Firefox is too slow loading long lists of photos or vids.

  • Wot !!! Scylla. There are no words          Expressionless

  • Freebird66 said:
    Amazing reading the posts from previous years. I began my interest last year and it wasn't long before I was hooked on checking in daily to see what was happening on the nest, eventually visiting and seeing some fledgling flights of the chick's around the bay and falling under rhe spell of the legendary Maya and her mate. May their journey and story continue.

    Hi Freebird66 - don't think I've seen you post before (apologies if you have) but welcome.   We all fully understand it not being long before you were hooked - this is a great nest to watch and I understand Rutland a fantastic place to visit.    Wont be long before another season gets underway and hopefully we see you posting here and around the forum :-)

  • MARY - thanks for all the info on 03(97) aka Mr Rutland. What a fabulous article and agree, such a shame we lost all the past blogs.

    But ... you must have been reading my mind as I've still to do the Rutland thread and daren't post previous links as for some reason I am being moderated doing so and post removed so I was thinking about posting that photo we all associate with 03(97) just to start of the thread.

    But thank you for the article which btw I hadn't seen so very much appreciate
  • GEEMEFF: about the video - it isn't you but me and my posts that are being moderated for some reason. I did see your video when I was still setting up the thread and the mods removed the entire MB thread after I tried to edit the OP so anyone trying to access any info they had posted will of course get the moderators message.

    But thank you for posting again - most enjoyable.
  • Love the video Geemeff, thank you. As always, you manage to match the perfect music to your videos.

    It’s great to see the nest from another view.
  • Karen W said:
    GEEMEFF: about the video - it isn't you but me and my posts that are being moderated for some reason. I did see your video when I was still setting up the thread and the mods removed the entire MB thread after I tried to edit the OP so anyone trying to access any info they had posted will of course get the moderators message.

    But thank you for posting again - most enjoyable.

    Oh thanks Karen, glad to get an explanation. Sorry about the hassles you’re having.

    I found Blue 33’s behaviour quite extraordinary, as if he were skydancing in closeup. I didn’t edit his actions other than to top and tail the dancing clip, and slow it down. The sequence is exactly as it happened. Shallow Water hide doesn’t have the livestream and helpful volunteer that Waderscrape hide has, but it’s worth the extra walk for the close up view of the nest, with Burghley House in the background.

  • Scylla, 0657 and a Peregrine is eating breakfast on the nest

    Richard B

  • I’m not sure I’ve seen a peregrine on this nest before.