Link to 2022 season's thread

Foulshaw Moss 2022: Three chicks were raised successfully - Blue 479, a female weighing 1.8kg, Blue 480, a male weighing 1.7kg, and Blue 481, a male weighing 1.4kg (info taken from CWT's ringing blog)

©CWT/Foulshaw Moss

Esthwaite 2022: Adults, 7A(14) ('son' of Blue 35 & White YW) and an unringed female, raised a sole surviving female chick (from 3 eggs laid) who was ringed Blue 488, weighing 1.701kg. Link to Osprey Safari Fb page (please scroll down the Fb site for last season's updates).

©Osprey Safari/Esthwaite


Link to the CWT/Foulshaw Moss Ospreys webcam page

Female Blue 35 - Hatched 2010 - Kielder 1 nest

Male White YW - Hatched 2008 - Bassenthwaite

Last year, Female Blue 35 arrived first, at 1pm on 30 March 2022, followed by the male White YW at around 7.30pm that evening (in 2021 they both returned 26 March).

Hoping for their safe, spring migrations and another another successful season.

*In special memory of Starling (RIP) and Patily (RIP) who both loved watching and reporting on the FM nest*

  • Stills taken from a short video posted on Twitter recently by Cumbria Wildlife Trust then retweeted by Foulshaw Ospreys. It shows nest and cam preparation just before switching the streaming on.

  • Glider said:
    Stills taken from a short video posted on Twitter recently by Cumbria Wildlife Trust then retweeted by Foulshaw Ospreys.

    I'm subscribed but they never told me-hee, GLIDER, so thank goodness for you-hoo Grin 

  • scylla said:
    Glider said:
    Stills taken from a short video posted on Twitter recently by Cumbria Wildlife Trust then retweeted by Foulshaw Ospreys.

    I'm subscribed but they never told me-hee, GLIDER, so thank goodness for you-hoo  


    Haha Scylla, you’ll probably get an email tomorrow! Joy

  • The Foulshaw Moss download files are huge - they weren't last season, I think they must be ultra-HD.

    360 cam just now:

    The other 2 cams have gone offline, I have to find the links again.

  • 25 minutes of Cam #1 = nearly FIVE GIGABYTES Astonished 

    So I've stopped Cam #1 and the 360, as Cam #2 should cover any landings... one hopes.

  • But the cam is only showing the crop field  !                 Confused

  • Does anyone actually have the correct URL to the live cam for this nest ?
  • Unknown said:
    Does anyone actually have the correct URL to the live cam for this nest ?

    If I see you asking for a URL one more time, Cirrus... dearest... I'll vaporise.

    Do you remember me sending you a doc a couple of days ago?  Which you professed to be so grateful for?  One does have to scroll and look and read, sorry about that.

    I hope this links to the doc but it's not something I'm familiar with.

    I know I'm being a sarky cow but the LG and Foulshaw Moss probs have tipped me over.

  • Well yes, Scylla. But  I wondered if, like Glaslyn, the URL kept changing because the address you very kindly sent me only shows a crop field , not a nest !

    scylla said:
    Cirrus said:
    Does anyone actually have the correct URL to the live cam for this nest ?

    If I see you asking for a URL one more time, Cirrus... dearest... I'll vaporise.

    Do you remember me sending you a doc a couple of days ago?  Which you professed to be so grateful for?  One does have to scroll and look and read, sorry about that.

    I hope this links to the doc but it's not something I'm familiar with.

    I know I'm being a sarky cow but the LG and Foulshaw Moss probs have tipped me over.

  • Unknown said:
    I wondered if, like Glaslyn, the URL kept changing

    That doesn't matter.  The point of that doc is that the (YT) links lead to the CHANNEL, on which the thumbnail with red "Live" on it leads to the current live cam.  Please read the doc.

    Unknown said:
    the address you very kindly sent me only shows a crop field , not a nest

    For Foulshaw Moss, YouTube only has the 360 cam, which you have to "turn" to face whatever direction you want to look, and it's probably focused on the field at the time you look.


    Cams 1&2, as last year, are not on YouTube they're on Cumbria's website.  Link down towards the bottom of the doc cos they're not YT.  Then you have to select Osprey and then you'll see the 2 cams.

    FOULSHAW MOSS - (select from list)

    One step at a time.


    It's extra frustrating because some of the cam hosts don't know what they're doing and/or are inconsistent.  This season LG is on RSPB instead of RSPB Video and Peter's changed from Carnyx Wild Wales to Carnyx Wild... that's just a couple of "for examples".