Link to all blogs and updates throughout the 2022 season

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2022 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 13th March; NC0(16) - 23rd March

Looking forward to welcoming back Laddie and NC0 to this wonderful location at Loch of the Lowes. Will Laddie, in his 12th season, beat his earliest arrival date that he achieved last year? Will NC0, her 4th season, be heard before she is seen on cam? Could we see the return of their 2021 offspring, LR1 and LR2? Here's hoping they have safe, spring migrations so as to grace our screens once again. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43)   Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32)   Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39)   Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)


March/April Blogs and Updates (published dates)

28.2.23 SWT video >>> Prepping the Osprey Nest for the Season

17.3.23 SWT (News) blog >>> Successful reunion of breeding ospreys at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

24.3.23 LotL blog >>> Breeding osprey return to Loch of the Lowes on the same day!

3.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 2 

5.4.23 LotL blog >>> First egg of the osprey season - Week 2

7.4.23 LotL blog >>> Second Egg for Osprey Pair at Loch of the Lowes

10.4.23 LotL blog >>> Easter Egg Surprises - The Arrival of the Third Egg and an Unwanted Guest

16.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes- Week 3

21.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Weeks 4 & 5

23.4.23 LotL blog >>> Loch of the Lowes Osprey Sighted on their First Migration North

25.4.23 LotL blog >>> Let’s Eggsamine NC0’s Three-Egg Clutch

30.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 6

  • Janni said:

    I have no idea where to post this but I have just come across a Balbucam forum post today with photo of LR2 in northern Spain.

    I thought somebody may be interested in this news!

    LOTL 2021 Osprey LR2 photographed in Spain

    LR2, that’s absolutely brilliant news Janni. What a fabulous find. I am over the moon and Sandra will be too. Thank you Heart eyes
     I hope he’s on his way over and we get to see him at one of our nests. Heart

  • 16:45 Laddie is STILL incubating after delivering the fish to NC0 at midday (she doesn't appear to be on the birch). On a quick scroll through footage, I can't see that NC0 has been back to the nest.  Edit: Laddie had a 2 minute comfort break at 16:09

    Cam had zoomed in on Laddie and the eggs at 14:58

    NC0 could be seen on the birch when the cam panned back to normal nest view


  • Glider said:

    Janni said:

    I have no idea where to post this but I have just come across a Balbucam forum post today with photo of LR2 in northern Spain.

    I thought somebody may be interested in this news!

    LOTL 2021 Osprey LR2 photographed in Spain


    LR2, that’s absolutely brilliant news Janni. What a fabulous find. I am over the moon and Sandra will be too. Thank you 
     I hope he’s on his way over and we get to see him at one of our nests.  ️


    I am absolutely delighted, Glider! Grin

    Pics I took on the day of the chick's ringing, can be found at the end of the previous page)

  • 17:10 NC0 is on the birch


  • Laddie rose from the nest cup at 19:31, gave a couple of contact calls and then flew off the nest. NC0 was on the birch

    The lovely cam operator seized the opportunity to zoom in on the eggs

    NC0 returned!

    Bottom's up!

    Cam panned back out

    Laddie has done a marvellous job incubating all afternoon and into the evening - well done him!


  • Sandra P said:

    Glider said:

    Janni said:

    I have no idea where to post this but I have just come across a Balbucam forum post today with photo of LR2 in northern Spain.

    I thought somebody may be interested in this news!

    LOTL 2021 Osprey LR2 photographed in Spain


    LR2, that’s absolutely brilliant news Janni. What a fabulous find. I am over the moon and Sandra will be too. Thank you 
     I hope he’s on his way over and we get to see him at one of our nests.  ️


    I am absolutely delighted, Glider! 

    (Screenshot of his sighting, as well as the pics I took on the day of the chick's ringing, can be found at the end of the previous page)


    Thank you Sandra, beautiful LR1 and LR2Two hearts (who I had a soft spot for as he used to get bossed by his big sister) so lovely to see the photos again. Two hearts How time flies! 

    I must’ve been typing as your post came through and when mine came up, it went to a new page so I missed yours!! 

    I’m so happy tonight as I’d always hoped these two 2 year olds would make an appearance this year. Heart

  • Morning Glider and All,

    I do hope LR1 is faring well too...

    Laddie was eager to incubate at 6:05

    NC0 returned at 6:59

    7:04ish NC0 had just re-positioned. Unbeknown to her, a Great Tit was flitting about in the sticks under the nest


  • 7:50 Still sitting pretty...



  • Catch up: Laddie has incubated 4 additional times. The time before this present one, at 10:53, he had brought a piece of bark to the nest and placed it onto NC0's back!

    He thought better of it and picked it up and placed it back onto the nest

    Laddie currently at 13:09 (he had taken over at 12:23)

    There have been no fish deliveries. BBL


  • 16:30 NC0 is currently incubating having taken over from Laddie at 14:00

    Laddie has made a couple of visits since the changeover and NC0 had been asking for a fish.
