Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week (and good weather!). Hope all are safe.

No news to report from my patch. I enjoyed the posts from Pat O and dibnlib about the Eagle Owls. I would surely love to see one of those someday. Such a miracle of nature.

OG: I was glad to see a post from you. I think about you and EE every day. I'm sorry about J's difficulties.

Love to all.

  • Diane, I remember the birds eating your wiper blades, LOL!! Glad you enjoyed my bit of colour in the garden. I was just reading about the dreadful tornadoes yesterday in mid USA & hope you escaped without wind damage in your part of Indiana.
  • Your garden is so beautiful. I'm ok. My region had tornadoes on the ground and constant warnings, but my patch is alright and no trees were downed. The wind roared fiercely all day, and my old house creaked and groaned.
  • Thank goodness it was just a creaky day! Glad you're alright, Diane.

    This morning I bought a condolence card, as I heard that a lady who is a relative of a member of the family was now gravely ill. She had had a stroke some months ago, and has been struggling ever since, so it was a relief really to hear that she died this afternoon - but also a shock too. Very sudden.
  • The First-of-the-Month Gremlins are out and about this evening. Daren't go back a page or I'll be waiting all night for it to load. Meanwhile, glad Diane is ok but it looks like her patch will be getting more bad weather once the new storm we have heads East. And Lindybird, another funeral?!?! (Or maybe this is a more distant family member?)

    Have a good Wednesday all!
  • I took a chance and caught the bus with 4 mins to spare before my eye appt. I need not have worried – the driver had what we call a “lead foot”, we arrived early and the Doc’s tiny reception area was overcrowded with people trying to check out & pay or check in. I was 10 mins in the queue and Doc was 25 mins late, the worst ever. He was quick & thorough, “see you in 2 months”, and back to reception which thankfully had now cleared. But it took so long to pay & find a slot for my next appt that I only had 2 mins before my return bus (or wait ½ hour). Across the busy road . . . and luck again, my bus this time was late.

    Home at last, reported to OH, had lunch and I was deep in nanny nap dreamland when a phone call. It was my contact for the Community Bus. He was wondering how I went last week. Actually it was the week before and he already phoned to ask. . . last week. I said I was going tomorrow. He says “Oh and then weekly”. No! I’m starting to get stroppy, “You said I had a choice of weekly or fortnightly, and I chose fortnightly.” I do hope the driver is more “with it” than this idiot.

  • Only just been able to get on here - 1st of the month syndrome again.

    AQ - Good news and bad - glad you managed your appointment but you must have been stressed about the bus service. Also good that he doesn't want to see you again for a bit. Shame you were woken up - I was woken yesterday by a man on the step, who offered to clean out our gutters!

    Annette: Yes, another relative of a relative. The first funeral is on Monday 13th but we don't know if we'll be able to go to this latest one because we may be away on our trip to the Canaries by then. My husband has been to three funerals so far this year, and its only 1st March! If he makes it to these two, it'll be five already. The latest loss is sadly a lovely lady who I used to meet regularly when food shopping - she was always happy to chat and used to indicate her OH with a toss of the head, and say "He's driving me mad!" but actually they were a devoted couple, very long married and he will be devastated now. I shall miss our chats of course, and she had a beautiful garden which she loved very much, which might be neglected now.
  • Morning all:  

    bjane:  What kind of car are you driving?   We also have had offers on our 2005 Toyota Camry from our mechanic and - had we not passed it on to granddaughter some years back  - possibly would have same on the 2006 Honda Accord, which has not worn well in Arizona (relentless sun/very old Rudolph nose still affixed to front grill and at least one worn-out sticker from Ms. D's school haphazardly applied to the hood - sigh).  Yet still the engines on both cars crank up and get you from A to B and maybe even C.

    Lindybird:  Not a good routine to be into (attending funerals). 

    AQ:  Sound like the traffic gods were with you on eye doc outing.  Fingers crossed the 'idiot' didn't put you down for monthly rides!

    Extremely blustery here this morning; thunder last night  Meanwhile, Ms. D's school in Prescott Valley is closed for the day due to heavy expected snow all day.  

    Take care all.

  • I couldn’t get on here at all this morning!!!!!
    AQ - I think all that would have stressed me out what with worrying about the buses and then the queues in the doctors. At least it worked out OK in the end. How annoying re the community bus man. Just making extra work for himself !!!
    Lindy - I am so sorry you have had another death to cope with. It does seem a lot in such a short time.
    Diane - glad you escaped the worst of the storms and fingers crossed that the next lot won’t be too bad. I think it would scare me with all the trees around.
    I have been golfing today. Just a friendly. It got very cold and wet so we only played 9 holes and had lovely Welsh cakes and tea in the clubhouse. Welsh cakes because it is St David’s Day (Dewi Sant). I wore my daffodil but had to cover it up with my waterproof jacket.