Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2023


The moon turns new on Sunday night or Monday, depending on your location.

I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

No news from my patch, except that the competition between the two male Barred Owls has been resolved, and a female has been calling from the nest in the woods across from my front door. I hope the hawks and the owls can share the territory in peace this year.

Love to all.

  • AQ - the French have a reputation ( don't know if it is deserved) of expecting others to at least make an attempt to speak their language. A lot of them will then respond in English or whatever. My brother can make himself understood in shops, and he says that doctors etc will respond in English. However, he lives in a rural area and most of the friends he has made in Brittany are British , which hasn't helped to improve his French vocabulary !
  • HEATHER I do think people should make the effort to speak a little of the language of the country they are in, even if it is only please and thank you. I do speak a very few words of Swahili so was able to be polite when on safari in Kenya.

    AQ I have seen "Scotlands Wild Year" it was wonderful. I am sure it wasn't Andy who filmed the series.
  • Hope everyone enjoyed their pancakes yesterday, I had 1 and OH indulged in 4.
  • Dibnlib - I had 3 pancakes!!! I felt rather full afterwards!
    AQ - it’s ages since I have been to Harlech. It’s a bit far for me to go there and back in a day. Well done with the early morning weeding. When I was out looking for spring flowers in my garden yesterday I couldn’t help noticing things which needed doing!!! Oh dear!!!
    Today, I am going golfing!! Oh yes. The main competitions begin next month so I thought I should get out there. It’s just a small competition (14holes only) and I am playing with 2 lovely ladies. Quite a few ladies play throughout the winter. Not me though.
  • Nice to read the varied posts on here. We made pancakes last night & I had 4, although they were small ones as I knew I'd regret it later! My OH had large ones and managed 6! I then poured the rest of the mixture down the sink....

    I always try to learn at least a few polite words when visiting another country. I think we do tend to be lazy these days as in a lot of places they speak at least a smattering of English.

    We've had showers here so some welcome rain for the garden, which is expecting to be damp at this time of year - however I heard that we've had a very dry February so the plants are probably very thirsty.
  • RUSTY Enjoy you golf

    LINDY Pancake mix down the sink......how could you!!!
  • I know Dibnlib! It made me wince! But we decided that a one egg mixture would not be enough, as its one of my OHs favourite desserts. But of course, then you have to double up on everything, with 2 eggs .....
  • I had FOUR pancakes yesterday. And I didn't have to make them myself - all done by our Social Committee, who did a great job. I also risked a glass of red wine - 'risky' because I was leading an online session shortly afterwards! I don't think anyone noticed, and the wine was very good!

    Rusty - Hope you are now enjoying your golf, and that it's not raining for you. We have had light drizzle for most of the morning, but it seems to have stopped now. I envy your golf - I used to play at least twice a week, but my golfing partner gave up three years ago and I can't find anyone else who wants to go out at the time I do! Most people at the club take a whole day - coffee first, then golf around 11.00am, then coffee and sometimes a meal afterwards. My schedule doesn't allow for that - I used to go out at 8.00am, round of golf, coffee and quick chat, and home by 12.30pm with a whole clear afternoon. So I have only played very rarely for the last three years. I really want to play again regularly ...

    I do try to have a few 'useful' words of the language of anywhere I am visiting. On one occasion, many years ago in France, I was in a shop and doing my best ... obviously not good enough, as the shopkeeper turned his back on me and served someone else! Didn't do a lot for my confidence!!! I find I can mostly understand a lot more than I can say!
  • DIBNLIB - Swahili ! That is amazing - was it when you were in the Armed Forces?

    I was in the RAF when I first went to Kenya but I just went there on holiday. The next 2 visits were on holiday with my OH. I have been lucky enough to stay overnight at "The Ark" "Treetops" and "Mountain Lodge" also safari drives at "Amboseli" and "Masai Mara" "Tsavo" and a few other reserves. On a visit in 1985 we took my Mum with us. She had never flown before!! I knew she had enjoyed herself very much but was brought to tears when many years later I found an air mail letter she wrote to my Grandparents describing it as "the experience of a lifetime" Mum died in 2019 and I am so glad we took her on that holiday. She flew many times after, as we lived in Shetland for a couple of years and she enjoyed visiting us there. Good memories!