Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2023


The moon turns new on Sunday night or Monday, depending on your location.

I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

No news from my patch, except that the competition between the two male Barred Owls has been resolved, and a female has been calling from the nest in the woods across from my front door. I hope the hawks and the owls can share the territory in peace this year.

Love to all.

  • Thank you for starting another week Diane. I always like reading the updates about your local wildlife and their goings on!
    Annette - you are correct again! My 2nd stay at home day won’t be as planned either as I have been invited to a friend’s this afternoon for a cuppa and chat with another friend who is coming to visit!!!!
    Have a good week everyone.
  • Diane, Thank you

    AQ love the budgies
  • Thank you, Diane.

    It's a beautiful day here. The sun is trying to appear most of the time, and the wind has dropped altogether. We decided to go for a walk and enjoyed a gentle stroll. As you can see we met not only dogs and bicycles, but horses!

  • Bonnie enjoyed snuffling around. There were lots of other dogs to greet, both large & small.

  • Occasionally  we were alone to enjoy nature and the day.

  • When we got home  I enjoyed ten minutes in the garden looking for signs of spring.

    Was it Annette who wondered if snowdrops smell at all? They do, if you put your nose right up to a flower head, but it's very delicate indeed, and there is never a heady aroma when finding a big clump of them, like bluebells. Snowdrops are the shy retiring type who don't make a fuss. :-)

  • Summer is a-coming. Max 34 C today, rising to 41 on Friday. I shall be hibernating.

    This morn I bussed to Library, collected book on Hold and five more. Chauffeur Friend had a medical appt down on the plains. We met in library car park, she drove to shop centre where we both shopped, followed by coffee & cake, before she drove me home. She lives in distant suburb over ½ hour drive away. As I did not have to return on bus and drag myself home from bus stop, I could have extra shopping bags. It was really lovely to blather on and she reckons to do it again when her appts fit.

    Just a thought:-
    I’m relying on you for my independence.

  • Good Morning. Dry here, & quite mild temps for February.

    AQ - That worked out well for you - what luck! So glad you enjoyed a natter as well as a helpful lift.

    Monday again -- I'm going to rewrite the To Do List and begin attacking it as soon l've had my breakfast. Fingers crossed I don't get too sidetracked as often seems to happen.
  • More signs of spring on the horizon.

  • AQ - I sympathise with you over the temperatures. I too would be hibernating. So glad you got a lift with your friend. It worked out well.
    Lindy - thank you for the lovely spring photos. I have crocus and snowdrops in my garden too and the tête à têtes are threatening to come out. It’s nice to see signs that spring is round the corner. I have signed up to play golf for the first time this season on Wednesday and, guess what? Rain is forecast!!! Typical.
    French today. We didn’t have homework so the topic will be a surprise.