Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

I was sitting on my porch last night, and I saw an ant crawl lethargically across the floor. It was the first one I'd seen since last autumn. I was glad to welcome the little fella. A few minutes later, I smelled a ghastly awful odor. It was the skunk, and it must have been close to the house! The hibernating creatures are beginning to stir here!

The skunk must have woke up in a bad mood, because it had sprayed some unfortunate critter with the full force of its stench accumulated over the winter. My eyes were watering, but my heart was joyful.

Some years, February can be the most savage of our winter, but the forecasts are saying that it will be milder than usual this year. The days have been warmer this past week, and we had sunshine! We don't have any beautiful flowers yet, like Lindy posted, but I was so happy to see (and smell) the first hints of spring!

Love to all!

  • Annette, AQ, I have my shopping delivered, as I Iike to choose my own things. I think our local supermarket may be trying to phase the service out though, as there is only one driver. If he is on holiday, there is no delivery that week.
    Several residents here like to use the service, and we know we have a reliable and friendly driver
  • AQ - that temperature sounds unbearably hot!! Ugh!!! Glad you have discovered the community bus and also a way of choosing your own shopping and having it delivered.
    Heather - thanks for the family news. Glad your son is doing OK in his shop. It’s Shrewsbury isn’t it? I went there in the autumn to meet up with a friend and we commented how nice it was to see so many independent shops.
    I remember going to Well Woman clinics years ago but they seem to have stopped. I was interested to see if other people get called for annual check ups when you are over 70 because my friend who lives just over the border in England seems to be.
    Annette - my Canadian friends also have annual check ups. I didn’t realise it was part of the health insurance. You sound to be extremely busy. It’s nice that you get to spend time with all your family but it creates a lot of work. At least you have 3 dustbusters. That will help!!!! I liked your joke from your UK niece.
    Dibnlib - I hope your mouth has smelled down now after the tooth extraction. I have my dental appointment tomorrow to sort out the crown which broke the other week whilst I was eating a giant choc chip cookie. I think I mentioned it at the time.
    Rosy -nice to see you.
    I went to Chester Zoo this morning with some friends. The weather was lovely. We enjoyed the grasses and shrubs as we were walking around. They don’t have formal gardens like they used to. In summer they have wildflower patches too. We had a really nice lunch in their good restaurant so I didn’t need any tea. We went specifically to see the baby sifaka (a sort of lemur) Google it. It is very cute.
  • LINDA – One day of 38 C is not too bad; it is the hot nights that go with that are unbearable. Better today, 28 max. Community Bus does have air-con but it struggles against the sun streaming through windows as we twist and turn through suburbs to deliver us home. I must spend 5 mins weeding as OH’s watering yesterday included a patch of weeds. I hope the clay is softened enough for the fork.

    RUSTY – I don’t know if it is widespread but our GP likes to order blood tests each January. I know we get free breast cancer & bowel cancer checks for 50-74 year olds (after that we oldies are expendable). See above for my comment on heat.

    ANNETTE -- I’m sure you have W...w....ths in your part of the world. I refuse to advertise them!

    Adelaide Fringe Festival begins today, the start of the Festival season generally known as Mad March. Medicos already warning that covid cases will rise. Hardly anyone is masked now, not even staff in chemist.

  • AQ: I'm assuming you are referring to Woolworths?

    The U.S. had a big store chain called F.W. Woolworth from the early 1900s until 1997 when the company failed and went out of business. The stores had been wildly popular, but they didn't sell groceries. They weren't supermarkets. Ours were variety stores that sold cheap household goods, clothing, greeting cards, etc. They also had quaint little lunch counters and tables where one could order a cheap sandwich and a milkshake. We called our Woolworth stores "five and dimes."

    Our stores had no link to your Woolworths at all. The US Woolworth company failed to trademark the name in Australia. So, when the Australian founders of your store chain were looking for a name for their company, they decided to steal the popular name from the US corporation. The companies are unrelated, and ours has been gone for years, although they lasted for a long time in rural small towns.


  • Also, AQ: That's terrible heat. I'll try to direct some cold air your way. We have snow tomorrow. I'm so glad that you can take the community bus for groceries! I know you hate to ask your daughter. I just found out that I'm eligible for my county's van service now that I'm 65. I can call a day ahead, and the van will pick me up and take me to doctor's appointments or grocery shopping. It's much less expensive than a taxi. It doesn't run very late in the afternoon, though. Stay cool.
  • ROSY: So good to see you. Wonderful that your new home is meeting your needs! I'm glad you have people you can chat with over coffee. It sounds ideal.
  • Diane/AQ:  Right.  Woolworths.  There were Woolworth stores here when we first arrived.   We had them in England too (not sure if they were connected to the U.S. company given that Oz folks apparently appropriated the name) plus a similar store called Littlewoods.  Our family's myths include one about someone (my sister?) being fired from Woolworths (a pretty low bar).  I got fired (the only time in my life) from Littlewoods after I snuck away too many times to be with some utterly useless male and also because I let customers choose their favorite liquorice allsorts from the huge selection.   The modern version of WW seems to be something called Dollar Stores or Dollar General with WalMart being a much bigger and more diverse option..   How popular is WW down under?

    Diane:  Let us know how that over-65's van service is.  How wide an area does it cover?

    I did like all the snowdrop photos and comments.  :-)  Such pretty little flowers.

    Very busy day, but 95% of things accomplished.

  • DIANE & ANNETTE – How lovely to learn that Aussies stole a trademark from across the ocean. Several items come to mind where we have been the losers, eg ugg boots. Here WW is one of the 2 biggies in the supermarket war. Coles is t’other. I try to avoid both and prefer a South Aussie family-owned store that specializes in local companies & produce.

  • Hi Rusty

    Thank you, I am a little more optimistic today. Hope you have a good outcome at your dentist.

    My Grandparents lived in the Wirral and Chester Zoo was a must when we visited them. I remember well, Mottie the polar bear. I also remember having hysterics when we were in the pachyderm house and an elephant trumpeted!!!! I must have bee pretty young then. Never heard of a sifaka, must look that up.
  • Good morning - bright and sunny here - and warm after a hot night!. Had a read through your posts, but don't feel up to making coherent replies.

    ROSY - that place sounds wonderful - would suit us, but we have J to consider too. I wouldn't go to a "common room" for coffee - just can't bring myself to taste what I know as "institutional coffee" after a bad experience some 25 years ago! When I am in hospital and the trolley comes round, I just drink milk!

    J had a crisis on Thursday, (sorted and feeling a bit better) - details wthheld for now, may follow later. Then my GP phoned to check that I am okay at home - and with a message that I should contact social workers for discussion as referral has not come through yet! All a bit discombobulating, but I had some good sleep in the night (only about four disruptions for pain and coughing) and feel quite good this morning. We had a food delivery yesterday (cooked meals - NOT Wiltshire) - E-E's "little helpers" so I have been busy planning a few weeks ahead.