Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week!

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for me. We did indeed have polar vortex cold in my area last week, but I'm okay. I should be able to feel my toes by June. LOL! Hope bjane is alright.

The male red cardinal comes every night just before it's completely dark, and he gets a wasp from the nest in my porch window. You could set your watch by him. I think the protein has helped him survive the extreme cold. I hope he shares with his mate. I think he's getting low on wasps, so the next time I walk to town, I'm going to try to get him a bag of sunflower seeds. I hope the little general store has them.

Friday was the exact mid-point day between the winter  solstice and the spring equinox, and I'm hoping for an early spring. Sunday is the full moon in the UK and the US.

Hugs to all of you who are facing adversity. I am also having trouble sleeping, and my dreams have been wild. Love to all.

  • What a shame to hear the news of OG. It has been one thing after another for them. I hope she gets home later today. Thank you for letting us know HEATHER.
  • Rusty, you do seem to be getting out and about with your birdwatching. Glad to hear you are able to do so.

    Peewit - also had a flue jab and a covid booster at the same time - didn't get any reaction and apart from the first time covid with a sore arm all other jabs have gone without a hitch.
    Yes, Lindy, knee is worse some days than others. Try not to take pain killers but doc said that paracetamol would not interfere with other meds. Took some this morning and only took the edge off for a little while. Will try for a couple of days and if nothing much happens will leave off them and cope.

    Thank you Heather for update on OG. Sending a big hug and regards and hope she makes good progress now .
  • Peewit:  I seem to remember someone else on the thread at that finger problem (oh I see Lindybird mentioned it, but I think there was someone else who ended up having surgery).

    AQ:  What?!  Our profound thoughts destined to bounce around the universe unread?  Humanity denied our wisdom and insight?

    Heather:  Not happy at all to read about OG's fall.  I wonder if that will trigger the options the family recent discussed....

  • ANNETTE - I have Dupuytrens in both little fingers and have had treatment, but it often returns :-( It does run in families - my Dad had it. It is often called the Viking Disease and found in places here where the Vikings invaded !
  • Heather - thank you for the news re OG. Not what we wanted to hear. She does sound to have been struggling for a while and worrying about all the things EE has to do. As you say, Annette, maybe whatever was discussed by the family might need to be reconsidered. I am sending my love and best wishes through the ether. I hope she did get home today.
    Lindy - congratulations re the clean bill of health from the dentists. I have an appointment next Friday as I broke a crown a couple of weeks ago whilst eating a giant choc chip cookie!!! Serves me right I hear you say. I think it will turn into an expensive cookie.
    Peewit - hope the jabs went well. I had both mine at the same time too last October. I was fine apart from a sore arm where the flu jab had been. Sorry to hear about the problems with your fingers.
    I can report that I painted the back gate today so, hopefully, this years fence painting session is at an end. Yippee!!!
  • Congrats on finishing your marathon painting job, Rusty!
  • Good Morning. Dry here today.

    My OH has an aching back after doing some digging at the allotment yesterday - he's finding it increasingly hard to do what he wants to do, although he keeps good health.

    I hope that OG is now comfortably back at home and can soon recover.

    Have a nice weekend, everyone.
  • Same wishes for you, LINDY !
    I hope your OH will adjust to the passing years and pace himself a bit more. I think it's always harder for folk who have had boundless energy all their lives.
    I'm going food shopping today with eldest and middle daughter, our usual Saturday routine. Yesterday, youngest family visited. Lovely !
  • I Trust this will not offend anyone, but would hope that it may bring some solace.




    I Trust this will not offend anyone, but would hope that it may bring some solace.
