Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week!

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for me. We did indeed have polar vortex cold in my area last week, but I'm okay. I should be able to feel my toes by June. LOL! Hope bjane is alright.

The male red cardinal comes every night just before it's completely dark, and he gets a wasp from the nest in my porch window. You could set your watch by him. I think the protein has helped him survive the extreme cold. I hope he shares with his mate. I think he's getting low on wasps, so the next time I walk to town, I'm going to try to get him a bag of sunflower seeds. I hope the little general store has them.

Friday was the exact mid-point day between the winter  solstice and the spring equinox, and I'm hoping for an early spring. Sunday is the full moon in the UK and the US.

Hugs to all of you who are facing adversity. I am also having trouble sleeping, and my dreams have been wild. Love to all.

  • Rusty, I meant to say yesterday that you're doing well with the fence painting. Cold weather for it, but easier to do in Winter when there are less leaves on the vegetation!

    You surely deserve your day out birding, after all that effort :-)
  • Hello all. Thanks once again Diane for beginning the week. Glad to hear that you survived the polar vortex visit.

    Just been skimming through and one or two discussions going on.

    Awful about the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria - do hope they get the help they need.

    Not looked at my bulbs yet, I had our gardner plant a lot in the autumn so are awaiting a display?? I've noticed some are appearing but I think they are the daffs that have been in the garden for a number of years. At least spring is not too far off. Its been a lovely few days down here, cold but sunny with frost in the mornings.

    Had a phone appointment with my doctor, which should have been today, but was infact on Tuesday. He advised that if I was tolerating the pain in my knee then we should wait awhile before applying again for funding and to take paracetamol on a regular basis in the meantime. I am reluctant to do so as it doesn't do a lot of good but I suppose I must give it a try.

    The towns that have green walkways are in the garden cities here in the UK where they have tree lined roads etc. Thinking more of Welwyn Garden City and I think there is one more but can't recall the name. Its definitely open front gardens where we live, only trouble is that certain people tend to take a short cut to the next house by going over the lawn when delivering leaflets. At least the postmen don't as they're trained to walk down peoples pathways.

    Not noticed OG on so far this week so maybe she is feeling under the weather, do hope all is OK.

    PS   belated Happy Birthday to Annette.

  • Nice to see you Lynnette. I am sorry that the doctor couldn’t suggest anything more positive in regards to your knee.
    I have had a brilliant morning out birdwatching by the sea. It was sunny with blue sky and it was so lovely just to listen to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. We also saw the purple sandpipers which we had set out to see. All rounded up by a nice lunch.
  • I had both of mine done at the same, Peewit. Thankfully it doesn't bother me in the least to be jabbed with a needle. (But I do sympathise)

    Rusty, what a splendid day you must have had- its been beautiful and springlike, here.

    I've been for a blood test as my Doc wants to see how I'm doing. It'll be interesting to hear the results. I was stopped from  taking iron supplements a few months ago so don't know how it may have affected me.

    Lynette - Can empathise over your painful knee. Mine hurts more some days than others. I only take painkillers occasionally.

  • Well I can see that my early morning post never got posted. Must've rushed off without hitting the final Post button. Sigh.....
  • ANNETTE – I want to know where are all those words we type up and lose. Are they drifting in some outer galaxy?

    It has been announced that from next week adults here will be able to get 5th covid jab, if they have not had covid nor a booster in last 6 months. There was no mention of combined covid/flu jab – not expected until April, before our winter.

    Good report from Eye Doc yesterday. Next appt 3 weeks.

  • Great news that you got a favourable report from the Eye Doc, AQ. Onwards and upwards! I hope it's less irritating now.

    Dry and quiet here - I'm off for a dental checkup which I seemed to have missed off my new calendar but thank goodness, they now send text reminders 2 days before.

    Sue came round yesterday to inspect the present we have bought jointly for her sisters' 80th tomorrow, and for last minute arrangements of the big lunch. All seems to be going ahead OK, although I've tasked myself with blowing up several balloons to produce with a flourish - couldn't get the helium ones I wanted so they'll have to do.
  • Hello all - I have news from OG. She has been in hospital all week with various infections and also a fall at home. It's been extremely difficult but she is now well enough to go home this afternoon, although there is still some way to go to even get back to what has become the norm for her in the past few years. EE has been with her as much as possible every day.
    OG sends her regards to everyone here but doesn't know when she will feel up to posting.

  • Heather - Thank you for letting us know about OG. Hope she will be able to get home this afternoon, as I'm sure she feels more comfortable there than in hospital. It does sound as though she is getting to the stage where she needs more help. I know my sister held out as long as she could - but once she accepted professional help it made a tremendous difference to both her and her husband. So difficult.
  • Thank you for news of OG, Heather - so sorry to hear that she's been hospitalised and had a fall. Such a setback- she must be upset. I hope you can keep us informed about her progress, hopefully she can recover from this although it might take a while.

    Peewit - it's not nice having those sensations in your locked fingers. I've had a couple of short instances of it, & remembered then that my mother suffered with them. Maybe its hereditary, like quite a few things.

    My dentist gave me the All Clear and said that he hopes to keep me in my present state for a while yet - I've lost a few back teeth in the past, and hope to hang on to what I've got left for as long as possible! When I went shopping afterwards, someone managed to park so close to me while I was in the shop, that I could only very gingerly creep back into my car. They're lucky I didn't dint their fancy paintwork! Grr!