Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week!

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for me. We did indeed have polar vortex cold in my area last week, but I'm okay. I should be able to feel my toes by June. LOL! Hope bjane is alright.

The male red cardinal comes every night just before it's completely dark, and he gets a wasp from the nest in my porch window. You could set your watch by him. I think the protein has helped him survive the extreme cold. I hope he shares with his mate. I think he's getting low on wasps, so the next time I walk to town, I'm going to try to get him a bag of sunflower seeds. I hope the little general store has them.

Friday was the exact mid-point day between the winter  solstice and the spring equinox, and I'm hoping for an early spring. Sunday is the full moon in the UK and the US.

Hugs to all of you who are facing adversity. I am also having trouble sleeping, and my dreams have been wild. Love to all.

  • Yes. The sunset here last night was phenomenal. In fact, several people turned up at French with photos of it. The discussion about La Chasse in France was very animated. I won’t quote some of the figures we were given for the numbers of skylarks, snipe, curlew and lapwing which are shot each year but I was horrified. No wonder they are on the red list here. We did have a more cheery discussion at the end on another topic thank goodness.
    I hope no one had horrid dreams last night. I didn’t sleep much but I just listened to the World Service.
    Lindy - I hope you got your housework done.
    The news of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria is quite shocking isn’t it? As if they didn’t have enough to contend with in that area already.
  • Hallo All:  Been busy with one thing and several others.  Landscape guy came today to discuss How to Fix the Garden (replace old and tired shrubs, replace parkway planting with hardscape (less work/no water), prune overgrown things and generally make things easier for yours truly - all at a reasonable price I hope.  :-)

    Ghastly news from the Turkey and Syria as Rusty says, it's not as if they don't have enough to endure. And then there's famine in Somalia. .  If I had my life to live over again, I'd like to think I'd be an aid worker.  There's so much need in the world, even in our own countries.  Sigh.

    AQ: Glad you had a respite from the high temps;  you should be heading into fall soon.

    Sweet dreams everyone else.

  • Peewit. Sadly, I was not in the French Alps!! The sunset was here in the north west of England and North East Wales. I was just at my French group in my local town.
    Annette - I hope the garden plans work out.
    Talking of the garden. I plan to paint some more fence panels today once it warms up a bit. I am hoping that a friend might come round for a coffee and chat too.
  • Peewit - it’s a group to speak French. Most of us have a good (above A level) grasp of the language so we discuss all sorts of topics. It is a U3A group.
    My birding group is a separate thing and is not part of the U3A. It is run by a friend of a friend. That is in English!! I don’t know many bird names in French as I have never been birding there!!!
  • Taken five minutes ago in our garden -- roll on  the sunshine, showers and flowers!!

  • PEEWIT - I know Pembrokeshire a little - it's a beautiful part of Wales. I have a good friend who lives in Rosemarket and have visited there and been around and about !
  • Dau took me to my shop centre this morn. I had a huge list; my 2-shelf freezer at bottom of fridge is full, Covid shelf in pantry cupboard crowded again. Dau was delighted at the range of my supermarket and to found a few things not in hers. I hope to only ask her once a month and use Community Bus alternate weeks. She kept urging me to buy more but I don’t have the storage space.
  • t shirt messages

    Not to brag, but I can forget what I am doing while I’m doing it.

    There is no such thing as a grouchy person. The truth is once you get old you stop being polite and start being honest.

    I’m sorry for the mean awful, accurate things I said.

  • That's good news, AQ - you'll get great pleasure looking at your food stores ! Will you be able to get to church soonish or is that a stupid question ?

  • Heather - you were up early!!! I guess you didn’t sleep. It sounds like a lot of us have the same problem.
    AQ - glad you got your shopping done. It must have been nice to go with your daughter.
    I got 3 more fence panels painted yesterday and hope to do a couple more today. I feel rather stiff after all the bending and kneeling but I also feel satisfied when I look at the results.
    It looks as if there might be another lovely sunrise about to happen.