Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • Its been wet and the sky didn't lighten up until an hour or so later than usual. Glad I don't need to go out today.

    Today I'm on catchup as yesterday seemed to go in a blur - not that I did much, and I fell asleep on the sofa watching WinterWatch on our recorder in the afternoon. Some terrific footage of murmurations, especially of Knots (seabirds) in the estuary of The Wash.

    I've just come on the Site to put in my BirdWatch results, so I'd better go and do that and cross it off my ToDo List.
  • Very bright and sunny – calm before the storm, I fear. Planning a shopping day tomorrow – maybe? Had man here this morning to see to chair problems – was only looking and there will have to be a separate repair visit. They are a difficult company as they insist they can only programme visits a day ahead! Had to start getting up at 6am, to strip beds - then he didn’t even look at them it – a “different department” for an inspection visit.

    Gretna found a stand in for J up to Thursday, but he will go in Friday and the weekly two-day blocks, now extended up to half term! He seems to be gradually coughing less, and also less uncomfortable, but it really has been a vicious bug/virus.

    LINDA – lunch sounds like a sensible celebration for the widowed lady’s birthday, if you think she can cope with it so soon. Nice photo of Toffee, but sad to think he is not as loved as his predecessor!

    RUSTY – I recently changed to private dentistry – treatments start next week – dreading it!

    ANNETTE – passport photos are very difficult, especially with a non-photographer at the camera.

    BJANE – my current reading is mostly from the church bookstall. 40pence per book, but we treat it like a library – return most of them for future readers. A lot of them are rather “light” novels, but better than mindless television and it adds to the donations pot!

    AQ – good to hear the eye is doing well – glad you will get another check-up.

    Now need to continue my post-Christmas letters – getting there at last!
  • I shall check out "the Summer Book" Thanks, and yes, it is very cold right now. Will be warmer by the weekend.
  • Light rain arrived lunchtime, then a bright sunny late sunset! Still planning outing tomorrow.
  • OG - I hope you get your outing tomorrow. The sun came out here too in the late morning.
    Bjane and Annette - I am going to look into those book titles. I have been to Iceland twice and Norway, Sweden and Finland several times (albeit always in the summer) I really like the countries and the wilderness. I think the books might suit me.
    AQ - I am glad you had a favourable report from the eye doc. Fingers crossed for a continued good recovery.
    Lindy - I loved the photo of toffee. These scams - there are so many of them. You have to be constantly on the alert don’t you for fear of making a silly mistake. Hope your OH enjoyed his golf. I am not a winter golfer. The course will be far too muddy for me. I will reappear there in March.
    I have had another “useful” day and have spent more money!!! (only £16 today on a new seal for the shower- very exciting!!) I have also had a friend round and helped her apply for something using her iPad. She gets really scared of it. I was very patient and let her do it all herself with my guidance. We enjoyed a cuppa and a chat afterwards.
  • he first-of-the-month syndrome appears to be alive and well judging from the time it took a while to get on here this morning. Looks like others weren't so successful.

    Rusty Even your 'useful' days sound like fun. :-)
  • Hello all, not been on for a few days but just had a quick skim through your news.

    Interesting to hear what you've all been up to. Nothing much down here. Weather
    reasonable with sunny intervals and quite breazy but no rain for the last few days.

    Diane - sounds like fun with that young man playing loud music whilst renovating. Let's hope that it quietens down
    once it is opened. Lovely that you have so much wildlife around you. At least spring is slowly on its way.

    OG - sorry to learn that J has had a nasty bug but pleased that things are improving. An old school friend of mine who lives up in Coupar went down with a fluey type bug along with her husband. Unfortunately, as he got better, she went downhill and has pneumonia to contend with. Hopefully feeling better soon.
  • Annette - first of the month syndrome has certainly been in effect today. It is now 5pm and I have just been able to get on the site.
    I met a friend in a local town this afternoon and we have booked a holiday for August. Yippee. Not a birdwatching one!!!
  • RUSTY 2 How nice you were able to help your friend.
  • I couldn't get on here: the Site was like a grumpy old man!

    A windy day, & when I went to pop to the shops, it was a bitterly cold wind going "right through you" as we used to say.