Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • Too busy for more replies but wanted to widh AQ a fast recovery!

  • Diane - I am a bit late but thank you for starting us off. I really enjoyed the description of your patch. So different from my semi rural housing estate here. I hope the pub reopening will not be accompanied by lots of noise.
    OG - I hope J is well enough to go to work. It is good that Gretna have offered him more hours.
    Dibnlib - so pleased the Snow Queen was good and that you enjoyed the evening with your good friend.
    Lindy - people have written some beautiful things in the condolence book. I haven’t heard of that tradition. Certainly my family didn’t do it although I still have all the sympathy cards from when my mum died over 40 years ago and when my dad died more recently. People wrote lovely things in those.
    AQ - you have got the op over with. I hope tomorrows follow up goes well and that all is pronounced good.
    I didn’t write much yesterday as I was having a quiet day at home (I just painted 2 fence panels in the garden!!!)
    Today I will be out and about doing several things I have been intending to sort out for ages. I hope it all goes to plan.
  • AQ -- Good that you felt able to write to us. Sleep well! At least it was all done quickly and now you can just rest & recover. Thinking of you.

    Good Morning, All. Dry here, so my OHs dog walking jacket has finally gone into the wash. He has two, as sometimes he gets wet and of course he also wears it to work at the allotment. One of his old coats has now gone in the bin , and a slightly worn "best" coat has been dug out to replace the discarded one. He has his birthday in March and I nearly always buy him clothes, as he hates spending money on himself, and it's for me as much as anything, so that I'm not ashamed to be seen with him when we're out!! LOL!!

    Sue is looking after a gorgeous golden labrador whilst the owners are on holiday, my OH fell in love with it and she with him!
  • Rusty - you came on whilst I was writing. Yes, its not done much these days. (The Condolence Book) I was a bit stumped as to what to write, as not sure, and then when I read what others had put, I followed their lead. I've also kept all the lovely cards from our bereavements over the years.

    On that note, I was sorry to hear of the death of the lovely actress Sylvia Syms recently.
  • Seemed a very long weekend – was it because I was busy, or because I was lazy? Very sunny here this morning.

    J emailed Gretna last evening to say he would not be fit for work today (and maybe tomorrow). Didn’t hear so much coughing in the night; he got up for his morning meds then went back to bed – having his breakfast now, but will have to eat lunch soon before the cleaners come – he will eat a wrap which was bought for packed lunch, so I guess he could have it later in his room. (They don’t do that room, he does it himself).

    DIBNLIB – glad your friend and Daughters managed to get to the show and you all enjoyed it, and the time together.

    LINDA – have never heard of a condolences book for friends and family, although I have come across them for high-publicity losses. I am not a sentimental person, so don’t even keep sympathy cards and the like! Who is the octogenarian in the family? OH submitted our birds – no problem online and a discount on bird food.

    AQ – good that you were able to post today. Take care.

    RUSTY – not really a restful day if you painted fence-panels, although that is a job which gives opportunity for thought or meditation. Hope you can get today’s plans sorted.
  • ANNETTE rambunctious.....love it.
  • It's a great word, isn't it, Dibnlib?

    Remains dry here with a watery sun, so the old coat and some of my trousers are on the line.

    OG -- The 80th birthday is my OHs sister, who was recently widowed. We were already planning her birthday when tragedy 'struck' as they say in the papers. We decided to wait until a suitable time & then ask her what kind of celebration she would like. She's a No Nonsense person, & so we were not surprised that she wouldn't consider a party as such, but we are getting the 10 nearest relatives together (Except for her son, who has had to return to the USA). A nice lunch seemed the best option. Her daughter made me laugh at her description of making the booking on the phone & trying to explain to a young man that we don't want to all sit in a line on a very long table, & would prefer a large round table-- he eventually got the idea and offered to put two square tables together as he doesn't have any round ones.
  • Just took this snap of the forsythia on our mantelpiece . The smell since I cut it yesterday is wonderful.

  • Blimey Lindy - have you got forsythia out already?
    My outings today have been successful but each will eventually involve me being parted from some money!!!!! Most will be good but having to pay the dentist (not NHS) to have a replacement crown won’t!!!
  • Morning all:  Had a depressing reality check yesterday when I was looking to renew my passport online.   I had the option of uploading a recent photo, which I didn't have - or at least not one that would meet the Fed's stringent requirements - so handed OH my iPhone to record the moment.  He's not used to smartphones and kept pressing too hard on the photo 'button' with the result of no photo at all or he pressed so hard he angled the phone down to record a series of very unflattering images of below-the-neck shots.  When he did manage to focus on my face, I was busy waving and shouting directions on How To Do It so looked very exasperated and scowly but - horrors - when he did get a photo of my actual face that was technically acceptable to the Feds, it was equally ghastly!  I kept wailing "I don't look like that!!"  It didn't help that I couldn't even hide behind my glasses for the photo    I picked the least unflattering and sent it off.  Would love it if the next time I go through immigration they don't recognize me!  :-))

    Lindybird:  Does Sue still have Toffee?  Agree that round tables (or substitute) are much better for gatherings.   And a nice lunch sounds perfect.  Where are you going?  Condolence books are fairly common here - they're usually on a table in the reception area at mortuary's, etc.  

    Rusty:  Did you have to sand down those fence panels first?  

    dibnlib:  Glad you enjoyed the show.

    OG:  Hope J feels well enough to complete the Gretna contract.  

    I've found a new author, Kate Atkinson!  Yay!  Also just finished two mysteries by Icelandic author Arnuldur Inrdrudsen.  Brrrr!  I swear you can feel the gloomy chill of northern climes coming off the pages of books by some Scandinavian writers.

    Seem to have suddenly run out of bread, muffins and milk so off to store for fill-in shopping items today and then to Tai Chi and the Y.   Take care all.