Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy week.

I decided to walk to my small town yesterday to get some food at the general store. I heard a noise and looked back to see my neighbors' chickens lined up single-file walking behind me. She lets them run loose in the afternoon, and they had decided to follow me! I had to walk them back to their coup. The big red hen pecked at my shoe and looked at me like, "Come on, woman, let's go!" I guess they thought it was an adventure and I'm the new hen leader. LOL

Take care, all.

  • The friend with whom I went birding today is having a Burns night tonight. They are not Scottish. He is vegetarian so had gone quite a way to a neighbouring town to find a Waitrose where he could buy a vegetarian haggis!!!!!!!!!!
    We had a great days birding. We saw 40 species of birds. My highlights were a huge flock of siskins feeding on an alder tree in the sunlight, a tiny goldcrest and 3 beautiful marsh harriers - one very close.
  • Wow, Rusty - three marsh harriers on the same day. And can someone explain the point of vegetarian haggis?? A bit like a Jewish friend of mine who owned a bed and breakfast and served turkey bacon. Why?!?!? (By the way, it tasted horrible ...)

    Sorry I've been AWOL for a while. So much going on, as you can imagine. But I do read everything every day so know what you've all been up to. Hope those who are ailing in any way are feeling better, and that the weather where it's been awful is improving. It's still very cold here in the south, but hopefully getting a little less cold soon. It was really raw early this morning when I went out.
  • Excuse me, I'm just packing now to go to live with Rusty....... what a great time you've had! Such lovely birds!

    Sorry I've been missing today - I rushed off to the hairdressers this morning, but just as I left the house, I got a message from our son, saying he was coming up to go to the funeral of my OHs brother in law tomorrow. And, could he stay with us tonight? Grrr. I've spent most of today clearing out our spare room, & making up the bed. I just hope I can find everything I've moved, when I need it in future! I tend to keep my coats in there as it's handy, but when anyone comes I have to find somewhere for everything. Also, lots of things get thrown onto the bed ready for future dealing with. I guess I'd better have a clear out later this week!
  • Good Morning. Dry here & Bonnie has decided that she wants our visitor to get up and start making a fuss of her, as she's bored, so she's rattling her gate!

    The sad funeral today, but it's not forecast rain which can make it difficult to talk to others both before & after. Our other son is not attending due to work pressures.
  • Pat - agree about all versions of pretend bacon - why?
  • It’s been quiet on here today.
    Lindy - I hope the funeral went off OK. I am sure it will have (these things usually do) but it will also, as you said, have been a sad day.
    I put the bit about my friend’s husband’s vegetarian haggis to spark some kind of debate!!! It obviously did!!!
    Pat - it was good to hear from you.
    I have been back to the hearing clinic today to report on another trial week. A few adjustments have been made but I am very pleased so far and will no doubt end up with these new hearing aids.
    I then went out for lunch (again!!!) with some of my former work colleagues. A very convivial time was had.
  • Good that you're getting good some progress with the hearing aids, Rusty. I hope you can find the right ones.

    The funeral did indeed go well. It was so well attended that there were not only extra seats put in, but several people had to stand at the back. Also a well attended 'wake' afterwards where many old friends chatted and many relatives met for the first time in several years.

    Our son went home on his long journey afterwards, and we all dispersed- us for another cup of tea at home. Later, we found ourselves discussing just about every funeral we've ever been to! A varied item ( with a couple of horror stories!).
  • Dau tried many shops to find “Not-bacon” for a recipe at χmas. She was horrified to see the list of artificial ingredients added to make it taste & look like meat. And then the vegan person did not have any!
  • I imagine that some folk who give up eating meat for whatever reason but still like it, may buy meat/ fish substitutes. Other than that, I can see no reason for buying imitation bacon, sausages, etc !
    My late next door neighbour was a vegetarian who would have like to be a vegan but never quite achieved it. She was a member of a religious sect whose members didn't eat anything but plant based foods because they won't knowingly kill any of God's creatures.. After her funeral I hosted a meal at our home - fulfilling a request she had made to me a few years previously. The table was covered with carefully researched and prepared vegan and vegetarian options which I had labelled as either. I obtained a vegan cake. I forgot about the large stuffed fish which is in a glass case on the wall of our dining room. The oldest church member present noticed it and shouted ' don't anyone look at it !' My husband, who had caught the record breaking fish, had to leave the room for a few minutes while he composed himself.
    PS I hate the fish but it was gifted to him by the Chairman of the fishing syndicate. One day it will be disposed of but not by me. I am a sentimental old lady :-)