I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy week.
I decided to walk to my small town yesterday to get some food at the general store. I heard a noise and looked back to see my neighbors' chickens lined up single-file walking behind me. She lets them run loose in the afternoon, and they had decided to follow me! I had to walk them back to their coup. The big red hen pecked at my shoe and looked at me like, "Come on, woman, let's go!" I guess they thought it was an adventure and I'm the new hen leader. LOL
Take care, all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
bjane: Thanks for reminding me that Lindybird posted a pix of Rosie - she looks like such a little sweetie and I swear her eyes get bigger all the time. :-))
OG: It does sound like poor J gets the runaround with these jobs. I wonder who's in charge. Meanwhile, glad you had a good visit with daughter and that things are planned for when needed.
Lynette: I apologize for being clueless and/or forgetful, but belated Happy Birthday? Sounds like a lovely weekend and glad you feel you've reached a good milestone...
Heather: Am now trying to sell some stuff found lurking in the garage; otherwise will end up donating it.
Rusty A double trial then with the hearing aids and I assume no built-in interpreter. -)) Je ne peux pas vous entendre?
Am delivering a spare patio chair to daughter's place this morning then off to Tai Chi followed by some general flailing about in the gym and yoga this evening. :-) Take care all.
HEATHER – One of Dau’s raised beds was filled with tomato plants! At last I am picking more of my tomatoes than burying diseased ones. Five so far. They are so tastier than shop ones/
OG – How dare they mess J around like that. They don’t deserve any staff.
Another frosty sunrise today. Will write later.
Lovely sunrise Lindy. Didn’t see one like that here. I am going with my Flora and Fauna group to Point of Ayr on the Dee estuary this morning for a spot of high tide birdwatching. Naturally we are taking a picnic!!! It is 5 degrees!!!!! I will report back later on any interesting sightings. I just have a bit of snow left on my lawns now.
Morning all.
OG: An afternoon out watching EE order a new laptop? How could you turn that down? :-)) Yes, I suspected nobody in charge re J's work schedule. I can imagine that kind of uncertainty affects you and EE too.
AQ: I envy you the home-grown tomatoes. I'm planning on planting some this year. Just started pruning the roses for the summer and generally cleaning up the garden, but I'm going to hire someone to do the heavy lifting (she says, one more time). :-)