Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy week.

I decided to walk to my small town yesterday to get some food at the general store. I heard a noise and looked back to see my neighbors' chickens lined up single-file walking behind me. She lets them run loose in the afternoon, and they had decided to follow me! I had to walk them back to their coup. The big red hen pecked at my shoe and looked at me like, "Come on, woman, let's go!" I guess they thought it was an adventure and I'm the new hen leader. LOL

Take care, all.

  • OG - still patches of snow on my lawns but they are getting smaller!!!! I don’t think going out to watch someone buy a new laptop is my idea of fun either although I can appreciate that EE thought you might like a trip out.
    15 of us had a great morning’s birdwatching at Point of Ayr. We saw 34 species of bird. The highlights were about 50 pale bellied Brent geese right in front of the hide, gorgeous close up views of pintails and close views of reed buntings who were with a flock of chaffinches.
    I am now looking forward to Winterwatch tonight.
  • Another super day out for you, Rusty. What a huge variety of birds.

    OG - I think you are all basking in the heat up there in the north, compared to here. We awoke to minus 2 degrees here, and it warmed up to about 5 degrees by afternoon. It's a bit up and down at present. I wouldn't have been thrilled with the offer of an 'outing' to buy a laptop, either! Sorry to hear that J is being misled and mucked around with his work rota - it certainly makes things much harder.

    Annette: You seem to be on a roll with your sorting out. Well done! I hope that all that physicality doesn't leave you aching, though.

    It's been dry here and my OH was overjoyed to find that the golf club would let them play today. They have fenced off a part of the course to protect it from use whilst the land is so wet from all the rain & snow. Incidentally, if the infamous HS2 Rail line is ever to reach this far, it would cut about a third of their golf course right off!! Someone once asked a group of players if this upset them: "Heck, no!" they said, laughing " We're all over 70 years old so by the time its built, we won't be playing any more!!"
  • Lynette, so pleased that you enjoyed your birthday, and that you feel somewhat better now: grieving takes many stages and a different time frame for everyone. I once read about all the stages of grieving in an article, which was interesting, but the best part was where the writer said that something people don't always realise is that the different stages can be in a different order for everyone.
  • We've been for a short ride around the countryside now that the snow and ice are gone, and ended up at Sue's where we all ate a Portuguese tart, drank tea, and discussed sorting out the world. My OH also hung up a large picture over her fireplace and took a look at some kitchen shelving for her.
  • Ooo, Lindy, I like those Portuguese tarts!!! I have to make myself walk past them at the supermarket although I must confess that sometimes they “mysteriously” appear in my trolley!!!! That sounds like a nice afternoon yesterday. Most pleasant.
    Glad your OH was able to play golf. I am not a winter golfer I must confess. I wouldn’t worry about HS2 getting “up north” any time soon. I don’t think there is much “levelling up” going on here - but I won’t get political!!!
    Well, guess what I am doing today? Yes. Birdwatching for a change!!!! I am off with a friend to Burton Mere Wetlands on the Wirral. It’s a lovely reserve with always lots to see. We are not taking a picnic. We are going to a cafe for lunch.
  • Good Morning. Warmer here now. I see that Rusty is off on a jaunt again. Hope the weather remains good for you.

    If you look on the threads, you'll see one as a tribute to PATILY who has sadly recently died -- she was such an Osprey lover and wrote often.

  • I wondered whether to say anything about Patily on here. She was such an osprey lover and I always enjoyed her contributions to the threads. It sounds as if she was a very brave lady.
    1. RUSTY - yes, she was brave and determined and will be missed -
      Well, it is Burns Day today - I wonder if OG and family will partake of haggis and maybe DIBNLIB  likes it? I don't like it but always made it around this time, for my OH. He usually got it twice as we belonged to the local Burns Club. Thank goodness there was always a vegetarian option, for which I was very grateful !
      OG - it is a wild guess but I'm thinking that the head teachers have a budget which they will trim at every opportunity. So unsettling for J. I seem to recall that his degree is in youth work - what a pity that he isn't more valued.
      Regards to all.
  • Heather We used to love Burns night when OH was in the RAF.....Thay always had terrific speakers and I do like to hear good poetry. Usually the haggis was a tiny starter with a good steak being served as the main....that suited me fine.
  • I thought that I would bump us up before we disappeared !