Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy week.

I decided to walk to my small town yesterday to get some food at the general store. I heard a noise and looked back to see my neighbors' chickens lined up single-file walking behind me. She lets them run loose in the afternoon, and they had decided to follow me! I had to walk them back to their coup. The big red hen pecked at my shoe and looked at me like, "Come on, woman, let's go!" I guess they thought it was an adventure and I'm the new hen leader. LOL

Take care, all.

  • Lindybird: I was waiting for Diane to show up in your verse. :-) Re clearing out, as my mother would say "If you live long enough, it all comes back into fashion."
  • Annette: I see that flared trousers are being shown as The Thing for this summer!!!! LOL!!
  • Flared trousers. Ack. I Googled a couple of sites. One showed vinyl leggings too. Horrors. Good thing I was never considered a fashion plate. :-)
  • LINDA - So those old slacks I use for gardening are now fashionable?
  • Good Morning. Milder temperatures today, and the snow has finally disappeared from the fields.

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • Hello all
    Thank you DIANE, both for starting the week and giving us the ' picture' of the chickens following you ! I keep seeing it in my mind's eye. Wonderful.
    LINDY - I have to admit that I have my Mum's dinner service. It is even older than me and comes out at Christmas. Two of my four children are in competition about which of them will get it !
    LYNETTE - as you wisely said - grief is an individual thing.
    HARELADY- I keep forgetting about Radio 4 extra. Thanks for the reminder
    ANNETTE - You've indeed been busy. I have loads of shredding etc to do.
    PAT - thinking of you.
    AQ - if I look hard enough I'm sure that I will find some flares in my wardrobe !
    Like the description of your daughter's garden. Especially the raised beds.
    RUSTY - You are very obviously a ' people ' person and I like reading about your adventures. Thank you.

    I'm sorry no real news from here - I went shopping on Saturday with eldest daughter. Just the usual food shopping. I speak with family every day, they phone every morning. Middle daughter has started her new job at the hospital and has been assigned to the children's ward. She is loving it. I'm so pleased for her.

  • Heather - good news that your daughter is enjoying working on the children’s ward.
    I haven’t any flares now but I have photos from way back of me wearing them!!!!!
    The snow has almost gone. Just a bit left on the drive and lawn.
    More trialling of my hearing aids today as I go to the French group where several people are quite softly spoken.
  • I always enjoy your weekly emails to us all Diana, thank you so much. Loved the mental picture of you playing pied piper to your neighbours chickens       Grinning

  • Thanks to DIANE for the new week – and the wonderful adventure with the Hens! Maybe you shouldn’t have made friends with them, but I know they can be hard to resist!

    ANNETTE – good you and Daughter – and Pearl – could relax together at the beach. And well done with all the clearing out which you are accomplishing!

    AQ – glad you could visit Daughter’s new house – but with a gardener’s eye to the maintenance. Well done with clearing your weeds!

    LINDA – lovely photo colours. Was a dull day here Sunday and today is “mizzling”, but at least is warm. Glad you enjoyed a visit to family – despite scary journeys.

    LYNETTE – I think I missed wishing you Many Happy Returns at the end of last week – I hope your family gave you a good weekend of celebration.

    CIRRUS – hello again! Good to see you pop in!

    We had a crazy week last week – included my dentist assessment which has put other dates in the diary for some fillings and then referral to the hospital. Daughter#1 and S-in-L came over from Durham on Friday. Had a pleasant time with them, but also some serious discussion about my care. OH had a church elders’meeting that evening, so I had a long phone chat with D#2 so we are all looking at the same options (no change at present). J went to the other school Thursday as planned with one of the deputies, then another deputy told him he would not be needed Friday! He has emailed the first one to enquire what the H*** is going on! He has just received a string of medical appointments, so the next few weeks are actually very full for him – but they don’t interfere with his remaining work at Gretna this week and next.