Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy week with no extremes of weather (heat, cold, rain, or snow).

We had some rare sunshine today, and tonight the coyotes are howling in the woods. Two nights ago, I thought I heard a bobcat scream. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.

  • Heather: It's often that our hidden worries are let loose during sleep. I often feel that my worst fears are played out so that in the comforting world I finally awaken in, I've got rid of those bad thoughts! I spend whole nights in occupied war zones, or fighting some strange alien force- way too much imagination!!

    My OH is wrapping up to go to the funeral - Good job it's a cremation so there'll be some warmth indoors rather than a burial. I see that a whole lot of celebrities who attended the Golden Globes now find they have caught covid!!

    Hope that poor AQ hasn't melted, in their very high temps this week.
  • Just seen that OG came on whilst I was wittering. Perhaps best not to go out in your local conditions & temps, OG. Keep warm.

    My OH has got some turkey stock out of the freezer (from the Christmas bird) and has been busily chopping up veg to make a nice winter soup.
  • Hi. OG - pleased to hear that J has been offered more work. Do hope it works out for him.

    I see Scotland and Cheshire and probably all up North have had some snow. Down here, just cold and frosty and looking out at a blue sky too.

    Lindybird - love the cartoon re seatbelts.

    Talking of dreams. I had the aspiration of seeing Ray standing in front of me the other day and just last Sunday, felt him sitting in front of me smiling, must all be to do with remembering and missing him. Expect they will get less frequent as time goes by. Must admit, not had any bad dreams recently and seem to be sleeping better although not settling down till about 2.30am. Overslept this morning and didn't wake till 10am although I'd been up earlier at 7am to see dau off to work.

    Thanks for all your news. Stay warm and safe.
  • OG - probably a very sensible decision not to go shopping. We had sleet and hailstones here this morning on top of more overnight snow!!!
    Lindy - your photos make it look very pretty.
    Heather - I am very sorry to hear about your vivid dreams. No wonder you have disturbed sleeps
    Well, the schools here are closed!!! “Wouldn’t have been in our day” I hear us all shout. We have maybe 3 inches of snow. As I have said, my road is gritted because it is on a bus route. The buses have not been coming past today!!! They have diverted down the main road even though my road is perfectly clear. I had a talk I wanted to go to this morning in town so I decided if I could get the car out of the garage and down the drive without shovelling, I would go. I went!!! It was an excellent talk about the river Dee (the Welsh one) from source to mouth.
  • Good Morning. We've had snow again, in the night, so we awoke to a white world again.

    The sun is just coming up now, so I'm going to have a look to see if its another stunning sunrise.
  • Fresh snow here. It must be bad because I have decided I can’t go birdwatching. Also, I am applying a little discretion. It is icy and the Welsh ambulance service is on strike.
  • Glad you're not being adventurous today, Rusty.

    Glad you enjoyed the talk about the River.

    It's only minus 1 degree now so don't know if the snow will melt today. My OH has gone out to clear our front pathway. Bonnie loves the snow, and rolls in it, after running gleefully around  in it for 5 minutes.

    Our front view from the house: