Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week!

Right now, I am on my enclosed porch, and a big Barred Owl is raising a ruckus. It sounds like a large ape! He or she is claiming its nesting territory very early this year. The Red-Tailed Hawks won't be happy.

  • Third day of a heatwave. S-i-l is away on work trip for a week and I offered to babysit while Dau went shopping without dragging Trio with her. She did food shop plus school uniforms. Latter not easy as no single shop has the full range of sizes or the required school colours. She came home with polo shirts, jackets, skorts (skirt-short combo that girls like) and winter (!) track pants. Dau has learnt to “get in early” before shops sell out. All into wash machine and I stayed long enough hang out. She still has to label them. Luckily the girls are happy to wear hand-me-downs. I drove home in the hottest part of the day and nanny napped for 1½ hours. New school year start last week of January.

  • It’s a pleasant morning here. Nice and bright for once.
    AQ - well done with the childminding. What a headache it must be to get the uniform when it is not all in one place.
    Harelady - what happened to your son sounds to have been rather scary. Glad he got prompt treatment and is getting better.
    Lindy - sorry to hear that there is still some doubt as to the cause of your brother in law’s death. At least the funeral can now go ahead though. I can imagine you were tired after all the talking.
    Heather - I have been wondering if you are testing negative yet. I do hope so and that you are feeling better.
    As I said the other day, my usual activities restart this week. Today is my French class. The man who is leading the session has sent us some You Tube clips about French National Parks to watch. I have watched them once and they were very interesting especially the one about accessibility. I couldn’t help thinking about OG when I was watching that. I will watch them again this morning.
  • Just had a read of the week so far. Thanks to those who have enquired about us - thanks for caring. Won't go into details - basically I had a "wobble" and we tried to make some plans but ended up with no change!

    Sorry to read some folk had covid - and sickness in your families. Glad you now have a funeral date, Linda.

    Take care, everyone!
  • Great to see you back, OG. You've been missed. We all have those days when we have a wobble. Life can be fraught.

    We've been out shopping, dodging the rain. So pleased to get a 2023 diary for just £1 - I'd left it so late I thought I might not even find one. I fill in each day in retrospect, so that 2 years later I can remember where I've been!!
  • Great to see you OG. Just come on when you feel up to it but glad you are back.
    I am back from French. It was very good. The 2 hours flew by.
  • Welcome back OG.

    LINDA – Please send rain – OH is fed up with watering. Me too as he falls asleep and I have to remember to turn off sprinkler.

    I forgot to mention how impressed I was with the Trio. So grown up (11 & 8½). Side by side, they cut their own sandwiches for lunch, no squabbling. We played a board game without tears. (I needed help, given willingly by Miss11). MissJ picked tomatoes & washed them. All played with pets. Games, projects, crafts, puzzles throughout the house – their holidays are very busy.

  • Rain is now packed into neat clouds and on their way to Aus.. . ... We did have a little sunshine this afternoon, but I was flaked out on the sofa and did not care.

    Our Youngest is now thankfully sounding much better, having been ill since the Thursday before Christmas. We still don't know when we will see the family, but as our hallway is still cluttered from end to end with Christmas packages and other bits, I've now sworn to buy everyone gift vouchers in future......

    AQ - Your little trio of stars sound so well brought up. I'm glad that your nannying day wasn't too fraught, but I'm sure that some of that is down to you and your good influence. ;-)
  • Annette - Serious reports on World Service about heavy rain and possible mud slides in California, with areas being evacuated. My geography is sketchy - hope you are safe.