Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week!

Right now, I am on my enclosed porch, and a big Barred Owl is raising a ruckus. It sounds like a large ape! He or she is claiming its nesting territory very early this year. The Red-Tailed Hawks won't be happy.

  • RUSTY – Please think before you do any more silly things!

    LINDA – Some gentle nudging and OH had his walk about 9 am. I think he is snoozing now before lunch – a shop tomato sandwich.

    Over the χmas break many people clear their “stuff” and dump it outside our charity shops. Good stuff and some that is complete rubbish. Then, not-so-nice people come along and rummage through, mixing everything, stealing whatever is worthwhile. This leaves the charities having to get trucks and waste thousands of dollars to clean it up. I know they are volunteers but perhaps the charities should not close down for several weeks. Security guards?

  • Just a thought

    My mother's menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it. (Buddy Hackett)

    Daughter: "What's it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?"
    Mum: "I don't know, you'll have to ask Grandma."

  • Annette: I hope your niece was able to get her flight back, despite today's airline meltdown here in the US. Your area of California was all over my radio news (NPR) today, covering the ongoing storms. I hope you will stay safe. Keep your bug-out bag by the door, my friend.
  • Lindybird:  Where did you bro emigrate to?

    Diane:  Niece's flight is scheduled to leave at 9:20 pm  and plane (nonstop to London) is apparently on time.  She took the airbus to LAX - I always pick up arriving people but there's nowhere for non-ticketed folks to hang out once outbound passengers check in and head to security.  Anyway, she said it took just 20 minutes from arriving at the airport to go through security, which is brilliant.    I felt so so bad for her because the weather was so un-California-like and she was so looking forward to the sun. As she said:  It was a lesson in expectations. My comment:  I don't need any more pesky lessons in expectations!!   Weatherwise, things are calm here and the weekend storm due is reputed to be much less powerful than the one we just had - speaking of which, is that on its way to your neck of the woods?

    Hallo to everyone else.  Have been too busy to respond but have been keeping up with everyone's news.  Stay well all.

  • Good Morning. Just read my comments back & can see that it was more about complaining than about the show! Sorry.

    What a shame about your niece, Annette. She could have done with a little sunshine. Hopefully she can return one day. My brother emigrated to South Africa as a communications technician, and helped instal a modern telephone system in Johannesburg. Later, he retrained as a computer technician. He eventually married a local girl and they had 2 daughters, who I've never met. He died in December 2021.
  • Plodding on day to day - slightly increased one of the pain relief meds for a few days while right leg was really bad - a bit better now, so reverted to normal dose.

    Podiatrist came yesterday, otherwise not much going on. We did make a decision at the weekend - got rid of the sofa (only a light two-seater) since nobody ever comes to sit on it. OH took it to the recycling store (they sell some and give some where needed). Of course, S**'s Law - Dau #1 announced a visit next week after decision was made. We like the extra space in the room - more light too, and better air circulation from one of the radiators.

    J was back at work yesterday - just the one day as Primary teachers were on strike Tuesday - he is now doing Tues and Weds to end of January.
  • Lindy We saw Lion King in Edinburgh last year and it was at The Playhouse which was a very old theatre. We won't be going back there as it felt tired and dirty. There were people complaining about quite a few loos not working and the staff reply was that we had to remember it was an old theatre..........not good enough. Tonight we are going to Eden Court for a Viennese Night and it is a much more spacious auditorium thank goodness. The trouble is that we don't get any of the big musicals there as the audience capacity doesn't merit the expense of the big shows.
  • Dibnlib: it's a shame, but it does look as if a few venues such as old theatres will have to close. I suspect that they don't spend much on upkeep as money is so tight. In the foyer, I read that The Palace had been saved from oblivion in the 70s by Andrew Lloyd Webber, who refurbished it enough to open for one of his musicals, after it had been shut for some years.

    It does seem a bit dusty & musty, but if you Google it, you'll see glimpses of the very ornate balconies and arches over the various entrances. 

  • OG - Isn't it always the way? You feel good for getting rid of something, then a week later you need it..... Wish I had a penny for every time I've done it. We have a similar problem as our tiny sitting room is way too small for guests, so we only have one recliner chair and a 2 seater sofa. When someone does need to sit with us, we have to fetch in 2 dining chairs. It's not very often, as we can see visitors in our conservatory/ dining area, thankfully.

    Maybe you could have two very comfortable folding garden chairs which could be brought in when necessary.

    Glad to hear that J is working even if its only for two days a week. I hope your meds can keep pain at bay - it's so tiring.