24/08 08:09 Shropshire : Osprey, Condover one over Condover Quarry/Bomere Pool (08:06)
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
25/08 07:08 Worcestershire : Osprey, Stanford-on-Teme one flew south (06:37) 25/08 07:57 Lancashire : Osprey, Conder Green one flew east (07:56) 25/08 08:11 Lancashire : Osprey, Conder Green two: one flew east and one perched on pylon lines
How absolute wonderful, Tim thank you for sharing
26/08 07:00 West Yorkshire : Osprey, Fairburn Ings RSPB one roosting at The Moat (06:40) 26/08 08:18 West Yorkshire : Osprey, Fairburn Ings RSPB still perched on dead tree at The Moat (08:00) 26/08 08:30 Isle of Wight : Osprey, Newtown Harbour NNR one (08:00)