Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • Update - (in case you are all on the edge of your seats!!!!!) the white square was polystyrene!!! The house 2 doors down is having a huge extension and they have a skip. Things are always blowing out of it onto neighbouring gardens. The people aren’t there. It is being done before they move in. It is progressing very slowly indeed.
  • Someone on local FB page reports waxwings. Unusual, so I believe.
    Thanks to all for news. I shall survive - shopping being delivered to doorstep by youngest family.
    I've not seen OG or EE online for days...
    Also, thinking about PAT
  • Heather - Thank you, I've been reading all the posts. Sadly, my sister died on 10 December and I have been away from home with the family for most of the time since then. We had a few very precious days together before she died. The funeral was yesterday and I will stay on here for a few days teaching my brother in law how to cook a few easy things and how to send and receive e-mails, among other things. Plenty to sort out, although my niece will do most of the paperwork. I'm here as support and chief cook and bottle-washer. Finding it hard to come to terms with the big hole in my life, even though we have known for many years that this time would come - doesn't make it any easier when it arrives. Of course my brother in law and my niece have more to cope with than I do - but my sister was in my life for the whole of her life and it's hard to realise she isn't there any more.
  • Oh PAT - I'm so very sorry to hear that news. Sending hugs and virtual support x
  • PAT O

    So very sorry to hear that your sister has died. I am sure it is very tough to accept she is no longer there no matter if you are husband, daughter or sister. Your were obviously close and I am sure you will have some lovely memories.

    I too am concerned that there have been no posts from OG or EE since the morning of Boxing Day when things didn't sound good. I sent an Email after receiving a Christmas card late because of the postal strikes and have had no reply ,though I didn't necessarily expect one. Cross fingers things are ok
  • Pat - I am sending my sympathy and hugs. I am so sorry about your sister. I think losing someone at this time of year makes it even worse.
    Heather - glad to hear you are coping and that you have your shopping organised. My niece’s husband has just called in. He has temporarily fixed a plug for me in the kitchen and has ordered me a new one which he will install. My little great niece came in (she is 4) she put 2 pieces in my 500 piece jigsaw and then wanted to know what my Christmas tree is so small!!!!!!
    They now live closer to me than they do to my sister!!
  • I am also worried about OG and EE. I hope that all is well with them.
  • Pat I am so sorry to read that you have lost your sister. My condolences to the family.
  • Pat - my sincere condolences, also. You will miss her terribly, I'm sure. I'm so sorry.
  • PatO:   I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.  I lost mine in August after spending three weeks there in June. I came back because we were uncertain of how long it was all going to go on and my OH wasn't too well.  It was awful.  But chief cook and bottle-washer is an important job at these times!  I also had a BiL and niece who were left to handle everything. .   BiL had a terrible time afterward (they'd been married for 62 years) and it's that niece who's now here visiting.  Unfortunately, we're having the wettest winter we've had in years.  Big fat hugs from here.  Take care....

    I too am worried about OG et al.........