Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • Cross fingers it is nothing too serious HEATHER and that you are well soon.

    RUSTY I think another relaxing day is in order.
  • dibnlib said:
    LINDY Glad Amber is enjoying her chess and getting the better of Grandad. I can't think how old Amber is now but my dear friends 8 year old Grandson is also getting the better of his Grandad.

    Amber is 8. Grandad is helping her by pointing out the pitfalls, as she has only been playing for a while, at school. She grasps it very well, though, and I'm sure will enjoy the game in future.  At present they're both playing golf on a TV game.

  • Heather, hope it's nothing too bad.
  • Good Heavens! Wrote something, got interrupted, didn't send it. But nothing critical: Drove down to LAX today to pick up niece who flew in from London. Flight was 45 minutes early and she breezed through all the customs, etc., stuff in an hour. We drove back up the coast - had a lovely view of the sunset over the ocean. She's passed out now and I'm not too far behind her.

    Heather: Hope you're doing okay.

    Lindybird:  Amber's hair seems to have got very dark very quickly!

    Take care everyone.

  • Just texted positive for Covid. The Christmas gift that keeps on giving ! Several of the family are the same.
    Well, we enjoyed our days together !
  • Morning Heather
    Oh dear am so sorry , Please god your Vac;s will give some support and you will not suffer intensely.
    Pleased you were able to all enjoy your togetherness.

    BIG Hugs, Healing and Prayers winging their way to you.


  • Oh dear Heather. I do hope it’s nothing worse than a cold. Just stay in and rest. As Sunny Kate said - thank goodness for the vaccines.
    Annette - enjoy your time with your niece.
    Lindy - I hope you are continuing to have a lovely time with your family.
    OG - I keep thinking of you and hoping things have improved since Christmas.
    It’s a nice bright morning here and after 2 extremely lazy days where I have just chilled out and read, I am venturing out to town this morning, I must get bird food and then I am going to call in at a coffee morning where I know several of my friends will be.
    Talking of birds, a friend down the road texted me yesterday to say she had waxwings in her garden!! They don’t get over to the west much. She was so lucky. I threatened to go down and camp out in her shed with my binoculars!!! Thing is, after they have eaten the berries, they move on quickly. I have seen them in Norway but never in this country.
  • ANNETTE How lovely you have your niece to stay. Hope you have a wonderful time together.
  • Sorry to hear that HEATHER. I hope you don't have it too badly.
  • Good morning all, so sorry to hear you have got the dreaded covid Heather. I have been ill since Tuesday - I did a test yesterday but it was negative. I have a horrid cough and am very feverish.

    All my plans have been changed as my Son & Partner had covid so I couldnt go to them on Christmas morning so drove to my  Daughters in Northamptonshire. One of my Grandaughters was just getting over a cold so I thik thats what I have picked up. I will go to my sons in January now. Also my friends who were coming for New Year looks unlikely.

    Oh well we have all been through this before so I am sure we will cope.

    I do hopw you all had a good time with your families and that OGs Christmas improved.

    To all those with ailments - I hope that pass quickly.

    Take care all