Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • Diane: I've too have been looking at the reports. Is it supposed to ease up this evening? I hope you don't lose power....
  • ANNETTE/HEATHER: No, they've extended the storm warning until tomorrow morning. I'm okay, though. I'm warm under the new electric (heated) blanket I bought before the storm arrived. So I'm just going to read in my bed tonight. The power is staying on, although it's blowing a monstrous gale. My neighbors invited me to stay with them if the power goes out. They have a wood stove. I have an emergency flashlight-radio, and I bought a big pack of batteries for it. I'll be fine. Just reading my novel and listening to the wind howl. Thanks for caring!
  • Sorry, had a mega busy day. Also, once again found that my mobile phone would not let me into here, so had to give up on posting. Grr. Now I'm on my tablet, catching up on things before bed.

    Went to town to collect some goodies I'd ordered (my daughter in laws b'day in January) and to get the last of the food. It was a bit crazy in the food shops, and I needed to queue up just to get out of the supermarket car park - someone nearly backed into my little car, and I had to honk my horn to stop him denting my wing! Phew. No damage done, thanks to my quick reflexes in reversing by two feet, pronto. Didn't know I had any reflexes left, Lol!

    Rusty, you do have some lovely friends - treasure them.

    Diane, I'm holding my breath that you'll be OK. Yes, you even made our National News. So grim. Hope not too many lives are lost. Edit: I see that you posted whilst I was writi ng. Keep warm.

    Heather, you'll have a houseful once more. I hope you can enjoy it, with your lovely family around you.

    My cousin rang today, to say that she has finally succumbed to the covid virus - as she is 80, she has been very careful, but thinks that because she relaxed and went to a Christmas event in the village, she caught it there. This means that we can't visit her just after Christmas which is a shame, as we were going to pop in when we went South to see our family.

    Our sister in law is soldiering on after losing her husband, She and her daughter & son in law are coming here for Christmas lunch, so I've doubled up on all the supplies today. I finally got to finish decorating, including the tree and the kitchen. Now just have to do a lot of cleaning, plus still need to wrap some of the grandchildren presents (They get a small parcel of books each and a small surprise present each, besides what's been requested.)

    Bonnie enjoyed her 8th birthday today, with a smart new harness, and one of her favourite treats -- a raw egg!!

  • Diane:  Thanks for letting us know you're okay, but it's good to know your neighbors have offered a place if the power goes out.  Fingers crossed tomorrow will see the storm go on its way....

    Lindybird:  People are rushing and distracted!  Was outside a store today talking to granddaughter on the phone and heard a mighty crunch - didn't see what happened but one car apparently hit another that flipped but ended up right side up.  The two people in the front seats were thankfully unhurt (hurray for airbags and seat belts), but everyone involved was shook up.  Must've been a slow day for law enforcement because loads of cop cars showed up followed by the fire department and then an ambulance.  Horrible thing to have happened anytime, but especially before Xmas. Stay safe!

  • Diane - I hope you are still with power and that you are warm and cosy. Your weather has been all over our news. There have been some horrendous traffic accidents. I do hope it blows over soon. Unfortunately, people will not be able to travel to be with their families in many cases. Better to stay safe I think.
    Lindy - I am sorry your cousin has got covid. I hope she doesn’t have it too badly. Shame you won’t be able to go and see her.
    That accident in the supermarket car park sounds bad. Someone must have been going very fast to make a car flip over. What a shock for everyone, I trust you are now all stocked up for your bigger than expected numbers for Christmas lunch.
    I am going to Chester Zoo this morning with a friend. We are both members so can pop in and out when we want to. Apart from the covid years it has become a bit of a tradition for us. We like to see the excitement of the little children. We will be back by late lunchtime though as we both like to listen to the 9 lessons and carols from Kings. It’s actually a nice mild day here after the deluge of yesterday.
    I hope everyone gets on OK with their Christmas preparations. I don’t have anything to do as I go to my sisters to share the day with her family. She won’t let me prepare anything but does accept help in the kitchen!!!!!
  • Here I am in my other persona!

    Couldn't get on here again this morning - apparently I don't exist so you've been talking to a ghost for years!!

    Annette, that accident sounds scary. I'm sorry to read that there has been so much loss of life in the dreadful storms. Hope that Diane and bjane can stay safe.

    We're going out to lunch with Sue in an Italian restaurant. Not sure what I'm looking forward to having, as we've never been there before, we're just taking a chance!

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • Christmas Eve "already"? - or "at last", depending how you look at it!

    DIANE - so pleased your neighbours are being neighbourly! Sorry the cyclone bomb has hit, but doesn't sound too bad there compared with some parts of US and Canada - especially East Coast with the floods! Keep warm, enjoy the books and radio.

    BJANE - you are such a brave lady - I am filled with admiration and feel guilty that I whinge so much.

    A CHEESY TALE - read with caution if you are of a nervous disposition!
    OH loves Camembert, so I kindly put it on the shiopping list for Christmas to give him a treat! He must have chosen a "good one" - it was vile! One of the worse decisions of my life! Every time the fridge door opened, I just wanted to throw up! Yesterday he cut it into portions in separate boxes and started eating it for "snacks" - that made it worse, and last night, smelling it in the hallway on the way to bed, he was told it had to go outside - he has actually wrapped it tight and put it in the bin. I wonder whether he found he had "bitten off more than he could chew" as he seemed quite happy to get rid of it. I told him I'll get a bottle of slurry from the farm and some rotten cagbbage, as that would smell the same if he misses it!

    LINDA - pleased you two can double up on your catering and have the bereaved lady for Christmas Day. My aunt and I once benefitted from an invitation from kind neighbours when my uncle died suddenly and we so appreciated it - we have also taken people in on The Day ourselves in the past.

    Our church is holding the combined midnight service for Churches Together tonight and isn't having one tomorrow - others are, but don't have comfortable seating! We may get to the New Year service next week, depending on the weather as usual.

    OH is preparing a lunch of Chinese party "nibbles" and we have some sliced leftover roast beef from the freezer for tonight. I like to have the main Christmas dinner Christmas Eve, but the other two prefer it on The Day, however it will be a prepared turkey meal ordered and from the freezer, so not much for him to do - so far as I can see, it all goes in the oven and comes out like magic - we shall see!

    Wishing everyone a great weekend - and a Happy Christmas where possible.