Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • Thank you Diane. We treasure your friendship, too. Take care.

    Heather, I'm glad everyone is mucking in to help, it will be a lovely time, I'm sure. Enjoy your smashing family.

    AQ --- "Festive tarts!" - sorry, but visions of scantily clad girls in santa hats, LOL!! What an abomination....
  • Diane: Thank you so much for the bright and chirpy card. I've been watching your area as the storm moves east. I can't believe how far and fast temperatures dropped in some areas already resulting in flash freezing! Awful for many folks hoping to fly. From the Useless Facts File: Just found out today that "bomb cyclone" is another word for bombogenesis, an actual meteorological term. That said; it's only been in use for the last three decades and is reputed to have been first coined by a North Carolina State University. student in his Master of Science thesis.
  • I couldn't write on here all day, after posting this morning. Very frustrating.

    I finally got my tree decorated, and the rest of my bits and bobs spread around the house. We had a late flurry of cards delivered, and it was nice to get some letters with news in some of them.
  • Festive Tarts

    I bought myself some Festive Tarts -
    They were quite tasty, but only in parts
    Rather like the Curates Egg -
    I'd rather have had a pudding, instead!

    I see that Christmas now is known
    As the Festive Season,
    Or "Winter Fest"
    I say, sir you must be in jest!

    We are all plagued by the p.c. blight:
    It makes me grind my teeth at night
    We have to be told what we must say
    And forget what we used to do,
    Back in the day.

    But as is often, in these cases
    We pretend to listen, but turn our faces
    Back to the Old Days
    When sense prevailed
    When our parents had the truth good and nailed.
  • To ALL the wonderful friends I have here - 

    May the blessings of the Christmas season fill your life with joy and hope that happy times and good fortune are headed your way in 2023.

  • DIANE , I hope that you are OK, I've been listening to the news regarding the great storm . Not sure if bJane is affected
  • AQ: Thank you for the lovely card (so Christmasy for summery Oz). I wish the same for you and yours...
  • It's 3:00 a.m. here. The actual temperature is 9 below zero F. The "feels like" (wind chill) temp is 35 below zero F. The wind is gusting to 55 mph. I'm fine, although I admit that I'm wearing my winter coat in bed. LOL

    9 below zero F is 22.8 below zero C. 35 below zero F is 37.2 below zero C.

    Hope bjane is okay.

  • Diane - your weather has made our news and even the weather forecast. We have had charts and temperature comparisons. I think hunkering down like you are is the best thing to do. I do hope you done lose your power. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card.
    Also thinking of bjane now. Sending hugs.
    AQ - thank you for your Christmas card too.
    I am very pleased that I got my tree up yesterday and a few bits of tinsel. It is such a dark, damp, dreich day here that the twinkly lights are sparkling and cheery. A friend is popping in for a coffee and mince pie later this morning. I need to dust my glass topped coffee table!!!!!