Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • Morning all:

    Limpy!  :-)  Always good to see you!  Best to you and Clare.

    Lindybird:  Hope you, OH and Sue are okay after that hug....

    Diane:  Argh.  Looks like a lot of of people's Christmas Day plans may be upset.  At least you were planning to stay in place; hope you get all the supplies you need....

    bjane:  I assume you also are in the crosshairs of the storm?  

    AQ:  Good Lord!  Eleven books!  Do you have a shopping cart:  Fork lift?

    Rusty:  Can you please come to California and organize 2023 for me?  

    Errands on the agenda for this morning....  It's hard to ignore the Christmas rush....  But think, this time next week it will all be over!  

  • Hello all and just been reading about the various bits of news.

    Sorry to hear there is some sadness around as well as a heck of a storm brewing in America - stay safe and warm Diane and hope you get those provisions ok.

    AQ - nice and warm over there although I take it a bit too warm for you. Anyway stay cool.

    Lovely to hear from Limpy. OG - hope you have a lovely family Christmas.

    Weather has gone considerably warmer compared with the last week. Went out on my buggy today to the hairdressers and loved it. A bit damp from the heavy rain overnight but watery sunshine and blue skies.

    For all those of us who have lost loved ones around Christmas time will be thinking of you. Sending hugs and a prayer that you will enjoy the past memories and make new ones. We are certainly going to try and do that.

    Take care all, not sure whether I will be on again this week. Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to you all.
  • LINDA - Thinking of you. Take care and do not tire yourself.

    RUSTY – Lovely gift from your friends but obviously well deserved.

  • Limpy -- Good to see a post from you: thank you for your Christmas wishes. I hope you, Clare and Helen have a merry time.

    Diane, that sounds scary. Keep yourself safe. Your preparation sounds sensible. I do hope it blows over before Christmas Day.

    Rusty: What a beautiful hamper and how nice to be appreciated.

    I couldn't get on here, earlier. Grr.

    ps.  I rang the dentists this morning, and managed to persuade them to fit me in --  today!! Hooray! So happy!

  • Good Morning. Am lying in my bed and can see a sickle shaped moon, at first in the darkness but now in the increasing light of today.

    Lots of drama on the News -- can't help laughing as they tell us to "take care" so as not to be involved in the present strike situation, with few ambulances available and then only for life threatening situations. I expect that there will be some sad tales of people who've fallen down and not been able to get help. As if they wanted to have an accident!!!!! Grrr.
  • Yes. Lindy. I thought about that too regarding the “advice” we have been given today.
    Limpy - it was good to see you. Happy Christmas to you and your family too.
    Diane - thinking of you and sending warmth.
    Yesterday I did a couple of Christmas visits and I have another one to do today. It is so nice to see all these people and to have time to have a good chat. I had to turn down a mince pie at the afternoon visit as I had had lunch out with my sister too!!!! We found a very nice new cafe (for us) at a centre which sells water features and tropical fish!!! I knew of it because I bought my little water feature there several years ago but had never been in the cafe. I thought it would be quieter than some of the others in the area and so it turned out to be,
    This morning I am going to see another former colleague and this afternoon I am going to brave Tescos!!!

  • I placed the Trio’s gifts, wrapped at last, under the Tree. OH wandered in “Which one is mine?” Ha, his chocs, still unwrapped, are safely in the fridge where he will not think of looking.
  • Tuesday – well, it passed! A horrible trip, unworthy lunch – but the hearing check was good – no deterioration and the broken hearing aid sent off for repair. So lop-sided Christmas with only the left one available!

    J went for his last Mon and Tues at Gretna but had a pleasant surprise – promise of a phone call about going back in January – not necessarily same days of the week but wait and see! This lunchtime he is driving down to Caledonia Park to hear the school choir sing for the shoppers. Supposed to be our afternoon to “Deck the Halls”, but can continue in the evening, and doing very little anyway.

    Plumber came and was able to do both jobs. One of the older guys so I hope that means drinking water really is right at last – got to flush it through before using.

    DIANE – I hope the storm will be not as bad as feared. Glad you have transport for your necessities!

    RUSTY – what a kind community – sounds like people there are as nice as you!

    LIMPY – good to hear from you – have a lovely festive season!

    LYNETTE – glad you have plans for a good time at Christmas. Had a card from elder Daughter – glad we are not having any of them to visit us!

    LINDA – thanks for reminder about dentist – must make my rearranged appointment – good luck with your visit! Our next door neighbour is on the ambulances – not on strike in Scotland, but he mostly works across the border – interesting!

    AQ – I assume chocs have to be refrigerated there, but yuKK – can’t stand chocs from the fridge!

    SO, on with today – quick lunch of paté, then decs from loft and count chocolates etc to leave around the rooms.
  • Yes, we are supposed to get up to 8" of snow but it's the gale force winds they are predicting that have
    resulted in dire warnings. Thursday and Friday will be the worst. I had already stocked up and will spend
    the time indoors getting the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day food prepared. Smaller group this year as
    family dynamics have changed new pairings, (new babies, etc.). Luckily my Illinois Great Grandkids and
    family came for Thanksgiving and we had a great time.
    Sorry I that I post even less than I did as I am now fighting Macular Degeneration which makes typing a real
    chore. Please excuse any errors. Thank technology for Kindles, audio books and the ability to change font sizes!
    I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I love reading all your posts.