Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • LINDY Sorry to hear you have had a family bereavement.
  • Glad to hear that you're busy, OG, and not feeling as unwell.

    Dibnlib: Thank you. It means some extra work for some, at a busy time of year. And sadness which will be remembered each year, at this time. I remember every New Year how my dear grandfather left us at that time. (Many years ago, of course)

    Annette: Not my photograph, I copied it from a post in another Site.
  • LINDY - You're absolutely right -fortunately I have the grandchildren here, usually, at what would and could be a sad time of year for me. They keep me cheery ! I do hope that you two and the rest of the family will stay covid free. Sending hugs.
  • Diane: Looks like you're in for a very cold weekend..... Will be thinking of you.

    Take care everyone.
  • Excursion to library in eastern suburb this morn; I have not been to that one for several months. I collected 11 books; 2 local history to help with notes for my flickr photos, 2 fiction and the rest non-fiction history. It was hot & humid, max of 32 C but it has since dropped 12 C and now raining. <sigh> I wasted my time watering veggies last eve.
    Busy this arvo making sausage rolls for the expected visit of Trio & family (sometime next week I presume). I have yet to make chicken croquettes. All can be frozen and any leftovers (ha ha ha) can be eaten by OH & me.
  • ANNETTE: Thank you very much. Yup, I admit I'm scared. This one could be bad. Folks here are really distressed because it will begin Thursday night and last through Sunday, So, it's going to impact everyone's Christmas.

    The storm will hit the entire Gteat Lakes, but they aren't fully confident yet about the track. My part of Indiana has been warned that we'll have 50 mph winds, several inches of snow, likely power outages, and sub-zero temps. The wind chill ("feels like temperature") could reach 30 below zero F. That's 34 below zero C.

    I have a ride to go to a doctor's appointment tomorrow. When I pick up my prescriptions at the superstore, I'm going to buy an extra arctic sleeping bag and also a heated (electric) blanket, along with food and batteries for my emergency flashlight radio.

    My county is preparing, opening warming centers, calling in line workers for the power outages, etc. My neighbor woman was frantically chopping wood this afternoon for their stove.
  • DIANE - That sounds so scary. I'm ashamed to admit I was complaining at our Xmas forecast of 32 C, followed by 38 Mon, 39 Tues. You are wise to stock up on extras. Stay safe. {{{HUGS}}}
  • Oh Diane - what a prospect. Glad you are able to get a lift to the doctors and that you can stock up on some things to keep you warm should the worst of the storm hit you. Thinking of you and I hope the storm avoids you. Minus 6 was cold enough for me last week!!!

    I enjoyed my buffet lunch out yesterday. My friends had bought me a lovely present to thank me for all the organisation I do for our Flora and Fauna group. I organised the Christmas meal but wasn’t there due to my holiday. I have also used everyone’s suggestions to put together a timetable of outings for the whole of next year. The concert in the evening wasn’t as good as the one last year. I think it was down to their choice of songs. It was still nice to be out in a full theatre.

    Here is the hamper my friends bought me. It also contained a framed photo of me and Iolo Williams but that is already in pride of place in my conservatory!!!! 

  • Hope you all are well have a happy Christmas and a happy New Year love to all

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

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