Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Still below zero degrees - I think we reached +0.3 at one point yesterday! Enjoying the sunshine - and the birds are too.

    LINDA - our town had the big switch on, with a small indoor market, fun and games and facepainting etc and F Christmas lantern parade last Saturday. I don't think they bought any new lights this year. Power cuts to follow after all this lighting up stuff!

    AQ - glad your OH was able to help with the helping out day! Well done, both of you.

    Gas meter door has been successfully replaced and is securely locked. Expecting the optician and one of his "girls" after lunch - so glad this home service is available.
  • LINDY/RUSTY My Grandparents lived in Bebington and when we visited we always had a trip to Chester.. We have visited The Royal Yacht and thoroughly enjoyed the tour.
  • Where is everyone? Oh, you are out shopping for my gift LOL. We are expecting 35 C tomorrow so the following quote does NOT apply to us
    "If anyone is Christmas shopping for me, I wear a size 7-day Caribbean cruise.".
  • Good Morning. A pretty sky here, red and pink above the frosty fields.

    Am beginning to suffer from overload as the media are full of H&M and their moaning, which is hard to ignore as its fascinating to see what they are complaining about. Not a lot, in reality!! Just obssessive ideas of being hounded - by whom?

    Lots of cardboard boxes laying around, here, as the Christmas decorations come out gradually. Bought an artificial Christmas tree, which is not too big - will put it on a table to make it stand up in the conservatory. Only problem will be deciding which of the many small ornaments I've collected to put on it! I've realised that I've been rather a magpie, collecting them all.
  • A bit of a contrast to you at present, AQ -- its minus 6 degrees here. After being way too hot when on holiday recently, I've got lots of sympathy!

  • LINDA - You can have some of our heat. Our newspaper headline - House of Whinger. Oh so true.. I'm off to watch "Vera"., a repeat and I hope it is one I missed. Still it is a challenge to remember the twists & turns & red herrings if I have seen it already..
  • LINDY, AQ -
    Thirty pieces of silver and a tale from them that is becoming repetitive and tiresome to say the least.

  • It is a beautiful, sunny, sparking morning here. Very cold I am sure. I can see the frost on the roofs of the houses opposite.

    OG - glad the meter door got fixed and I hope the opticians visit went well. You are indeed lucky that they come out to you. I am not sure whether they do that round here.

    Lindy - I have just got a very small artificial Christmas tree which gets put away in a bin bag every year fully decorated with its lights on!!! I take it out of the loft every year, stand it up and put the lights on!!! It suits me. It’s not up yet but it is down from the loft. Good luck in selecting which decorations you want to use.

    I am afraid I turned the news off last night as it was full of you know who!

    The birdwatching yesterday was lovely. I was toasty warm in all my clothes. The sun shone and the frost glistened. Walking on the frosty grass was really nice. We did see some nice birds (goldcrests and redwings in particular) but the highlight was when the sun began to melt the frost on the tall grasses and the little droplets all sparkled like diamonds showing all the colours of the prism. It was magical and we stood and looked at the spectacle for ages. We all agreed that nature is wonderful and is a fantastic tonic for the soul. We took photos but none of them showed what we were seeing. Here is one of the frosty grass without the droplets

  • OH!!!!!! I have just looked up after posting my message and it is snowing here!!!!!!!