Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Sorry, I've been awol -- -- busy. My OH has been putting up our outside Christmas lights, although we're not switching them on yet as I feel its a bit early. I had to supervise!!

    Found some books which had been put away for the grandchildren when they were old enough -- encyclopedias. Will give them to our Youngest to pass on, when we go back there for Christmas.

    It's been cold, and at times wet. I decided to go out and pull up some summer bedding from the tubs at the front of the house whilst my OH battled with the strings of lights. We put them straight across the guttering (it's a bungalow) and then drape more over the bushes in the front garden. All white. Someone asked my OH if he was going to put them up as usual, the other day "Of course!"

  • Snap - Lindy. My lights are now up courtesy of my friend. They just go round my garage and porch. They too are white and, like you, I won’t switch them on just yet!!!
  • Well done, Rusty. Or rather, well done to your friend. I think the lights cheer up a few people when the nights are dark & dreary.

    Harelady, so sorry you have much on your plate with various family problems.

    Was cross to hear that the Royal family are going to have to face many weeks of being in the press, instead of being able to get on with their work, and regrouping after the sad loss of our Queen. I don't think that Harry & Meghan have any idea that they are losing all support of the British public by their selfish actions.
  • LINDA - Far too often while I wait for my TV program to start, I have to watch trailers for ”soapies”. Now <big sigh> the royal soap opera has invaded our news bulletins. Someone who complained about publicity. . . .

  • Just a thought

    Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)

    If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three. (Laurence J Peter)

    After hearing two eyewitness accounts of the same accident, you begin to wonder about history.

  • AQ: That third saying really does ring true.... I just Googled Peter and he has some good ones. Here's another: "Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.: Yes, the couple trying to avoid publicity are all over our news too. Sigh. .
  • Good Morning. A red sky here as the sun comes up over a cold landscape. I see that snow is predicted for those on the East Coast and in Scotland. Not here, thankfully.

    Love the quotes, AQ!
  • Hello all -
    Best intentions are to do replies here but have heard that granddaughters Amy and Katie are coming here this morning to dress Christmas trees and do decs, etc. I'm very happy about that ! Incidentally, did I mention that Amy has passed her driving test? Just last week.

  • Yes, AQ - the quotes are very apt. I am speechless re the couple who don’t want publicity.
    I am catching the bus to Chester today to meet a friend for lunch and to exchange Christmas presents. We have a favourite restaurant which we enjoy. Afterwards we are going to look at the Christmas market. Although the bus takes an hour and goes all round the houses, I find it very relaxing - and, of course, it is free with my bus pass!!! Coming back as it is getting dark I dare say I will see quite a few Christmas lights.
  • That is bound to make you feel Christmassy, then, Rusty! Hope you enjoyed your lunch.

    I went into the town on errands. Its getting increasingly difficult to find a place to park in the street, and the car park nearest to where I wanted to go is up a steep hill which is difficult for me now, on foot, so I was pleased to find a space on the street to slide into. Had to watch the clock, though, as supposed to be only half an hour! Got some things done and moved the car to the supermarket car park, where everyone seemed frazzled & in a hurry. Bought a few Christmas essentials like sellotape and a puzzle book for my OHs stocking which I fill every year- don't tell anyone but I fill my own, too, and that way I get some nice goodies!! LOL!!