Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Thanks for your news and hope all are well, or if not, improving. Best of luck dealing with those issues which are causing you stress.
    Loving the chat about language. I just had to google AQ's poem (thanks AQ!) because I was certain I had seen it many years ago. Here is one of the links which came up and it has a bit of history of the poem: www.worldwidewords.org/.../ar-eng1.htm

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Morning all:

    AQ: You'd be so welcome!

    Heather: This year I'm sending cards; last year practically nothing, but did send the year before.  It depends on how much mental energy I have!  :-)

    Harelady:  So sorry to hear of family worries; I think we all know how difficult that can be as we want our kids and other family members just to be happy....   So a busy Christmas on the roads for you - and New Year's too. My niece from the UK will be here for the latter.  I can't remember the last time I stayed up to ring it in, but I do that  this year just to make sure 2022 is well and truly gone!  :-)  Take care.

    Rusty: Whereabout in AZ have your friends landed?  Or do I remember you mentioning Phoenix....?  Hope the cold will soon have run its course.

    Gardenbirder:  Thanks for the history behind the poem - I think AQ's version tripped off the tongue more easily.  :-)

  • Annette.  My friends are just outside Gilbert AZ in a gated community. I visited in 2919. Extremely different from here in North Wales, but I loved the desert and the saguaro cactus. We played golf 3 times a week too.

  • Rusty: Oh right - that area a great place for Snowbirds. The desert is lovely in winter and - surprisingly - in summer, which if when they get the really heavy monsoon storms that can turn the desert floor so green!
  • HARELADY – I feel for your Sister. My OH has Parkinsons – it’s not the shaking so much as the cognitive loss that is difficult. Sending {{{HUGS}}} to you & Sister.

    HEATHER & RUSTY – Sometimes you can be lucky with mail. According to date stamp on envelope, a friend posted me a card in England on Friday 25 Nov. I received it on Tuesday 29 Nov!!! Amazing and I assume as usual it was security checked (dogs, xray, etc) in Sydney on arrival.

    GARDENBIRDER – Thank you for the poem link & history. Years ago I collected all sorts of “stuff”. I should really delete and unclutter my computer but who knows when I may want it again?!

    I posted my interstate χmas cards yesterday, a mere “count on one hand” number. One, alas, to a friend who lives in a town which has had to evacuate due to floods. I wondered whether to send or not but Dau suggested that Friend would need to know I was thinking of her and her mail would surely be redirected.

  • "Mummy, where did all these lovely toys come from?"
    "Santa Claus brought them all."
    "Did he bring everything . . . the football, the robot, the computer game . . . and everything?"
    "Of course he did."
    "So who buys all the things in the shops?"

  • HARELADY So sorry to hear of family problems. You are obviously being a great support. Do take care of yourself.
  • Good morning. Where is everyone? Hope people are OK.

    I am waiting for my friend to arrive to put up my outside lights.

    My cold is still going strong!!! I am coping though.

    Annette - the desert was flowering when I was there.

  • I'm here too, and thinking about you all - will attempt replies tomorrow :-)