Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • I had the wrong month, but I've corrected it now. LoL
  • Thanks DIANE. You are never too early starting for me! It’s 10.30 am here, I’m just home from church, low numbers again. At least wisdom rules at this church with most people in masks.

    RUSTY – Tis the season to be merry and all that, but UpOver ‘tis also the season for coughs & colds. Get well soon.

    OG – Last night I slept with just a sheet. . . and our nights are not really hot yet. Expecting 35 C today. Hurry up cool change.

    Dau#1 has been teaching for 20+ years and has only had annual contracts. She waits until mid-January for news that her regular school will have her again. Mostly it happens. The SSOs (assistants) would be the same.

  • If the singular’s this and the plural is these,
    Should the plural of kiss ever be nicknamed keese?
    Then one may be that and three would be those,
    Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,
    And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
    We speak of a brother, and also of brethren,
    But though we say mother, we never say methren,
    Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
    But imagine the feminine she, shis and shim,
    So the English, I think, you all will agree,
    Is the queerest language you ever did see.

  • Brilliant AQ!!!  You've been hiding your light under a bushel.

    Diane:  Thank you - you are a gem.

    Lindybird:  Glad you had a good visit and good trips both ways.   

  • ANNETTE - Not guilty of the poem/ditty. I am guilty of stealing it from Somewhere years ago and I have a collection of similar which I promise to inflict upon you.

    Max expected today.34 C. All the birds are quiet, it has reached 35.5 C so far. How long until Autumn?

  • AQ: Oh my - and there I was thinking you were giving Lindybird a run for her money! Sorry about the heat; it's been wonderfully cool, wet and rainy here. The earth smells alive :-)
  • ANNETTE - I'm packing my bag; I'm on my way. Your weather sounds wonderfully cool, wet and rainy.
  • Thank you, DIANE !

     I stopped sending Christmas cards after my husband died - I am in touch with family all through the year. However, our Christmas card list was - sorry to say it - ridiculous. Nearly 100 folk, people he hadn't seen for years, people we had met on holiday, etc. Towards the end, even he could see that it was a bit silly ! His usual remark was, though, that he didn't want to be the one to stop it first. Thousands of trees must have died over the years...

    I sent a letter last week ( essential) to South West Wales, Pembrokeshire. Posted it  Monday, first class, and It has yet to be delivered. Strikes and backlogs, I suppose. 

  • Many apologies to all for lurking recently - had lots going on with family. Have been supporting Daughter going through a rough patch, Son who is suffering financially and older Sister - aged 78 who has a husband with Cognative Impairment - which the doctor says is NOT Dementia or Alzheimers but appears to be just that. He is going through so many strange stages that it is hard to know what to do for the best.

    However this site and the regular updates of all yours and your families lives make me feel I am not so alone.

    Well somehow it is almost Christmas - how did that happen? I am planning to drive to Sons family in South East London after Mass on Christmas day and then leave on 27th to drive to Daughters in Silverstone, Northamptonshire for another 2 days. The scurrying back to Suffolk in time to get supplies in for friends from Surrey who are bringing their adult Daughter who has mental health problems plus their 83 year old mother for New years. It will be a squeeze but we will all fit in with strict times for abultions as I only have the one bathroom :(

    I wish all those suffering issues, health or otherwise a quick recovery and do please keep the posts coming.

  • Diane - thank you for starting off yet another week.
    Harelady - you sound to have an awful lot on your plate. One of those issues would be enough to cope with! Sending you strength. It sounds as if you have got some good, if busy, Christmas plans.
    AQ - it’s going to be cold here too in the next few days!!
    Heather - I was told by a friend that she had posted my Christmas card over a week ago, it hasn’t arrived. I think they have a huge backlog now.
    Lindy - glad you had a good trip to see your family with pretty easy driving.
    My Canadian friends have arrived safely in Arizona after a 4 day drive. They are busy unpacking and doing grocery shopping.
    My cold isn’t any better. I have been doing a lot of coughing this morning. Nevertheless, I am working steadily through a list of jobs which don’t involve much physical effort.