I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.
Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!
Hello to all.
RUSTY – If we were ever to meet. I’d surely recognize you LOL.
Camera outing today to photo two less-than-stately homes and some street art. This installation is named “Ground Dwellers”. I “captured” them on the edge of a park close to a side street.
Thank you for your concern, but my OH was only booked for a (long overdue) checkup at the dentists. He has had one tooth which is concerning him, but it's not urgent, I think. He rang them up to apologise and was given an appointment in December. No charge for the missed one, as we are very long standing customers and its a private practice. Diane, we can get Covid test kits for only a couple of pounds here - they used to be free but since they started charging, the figures published about infections are rather dubious, as of course a lot of people can't be bothered. The deaths noted have markedly decreased though, thank goodness. OG - I hope you & EE remain free of infection after your unfortunate meeting with the family. Glad you enjoyed your trip out on Tuesday. I went to a local charity today where they help the least fortunate -- they give out food and warm clothes locally. I left them some saucepans I no longer use rather than throw them away. Too good to throw, but not good enough due to slight wear, to give to a normal charity shop!! Gratefully received, so I've done my good deed for the day. Sorting through my many cookbooks, I sat reading them! Must do some of the recipes I used years ago and which we enjoyed. It was sunny this morning, if rather windy, but this afternoon we got the promised deluge from the sky - it was sleet, I think, as it really hammered on the conservatory roof.