Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.

Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!

Hello to all.

  • Lindy: The new tiles are beautiful! Green is my favorite color. Loved your trapped in the top story.
  • ANNETTE: Enjoy your Thanksgiving. My sister-in-law invited me to their house, because my niece will be home from college. I begged off and said we'd get together at a later time. I just couldn't do it.
  • Good Morning. Dry here, but so wet underfoot after all the rain, that the golfing is cancelled and even the dog didn't want to go for a walk.

    Diane, I'm sorry you didn't feel like taking up the invitation, but I hope you can have a nice quiet Thanksgiving at home.

    Annette - Lovely of the younger ones to offer to help you all celebrate, and to be so thoughtful. I hope all goes well. Your daughter must be grateful that you're able to help her to settle into her new home, too- - I hope she's feeling the benefit physically of moving to your neck of the woods.

    No, I didn't wear the stretchy top again!! Daren't risk it! I put the top to the back of the drawer, & wore a brief T shirt instead for the rest of the stay. It will be kept, though, as my weight fluctuates so it might fit me better in future. Glad it amused everyone: At the time, I thought, you couldn't write such a tale without experiencing it!!
  • DIANE - I've had swollen feet years ago after long flights. I'm thinking that this was triggered by being on my feet quite a lot when my visitors were here. I normally have quite a sedentary life, on my own 90% of the time and usually have my feet up when sitting reading etc. I shall, however, keep an eye on things as my father had congestive heart disease and I remember his swollen feet ! My blood pressure etc is well within normal range. Maybe I should exercise more :-)
  • DIANE - I'm thinking it is because your late brother won't be there ? Too many memories....
  • Daughter phoned yesterday - they both lost their voices on the way home and then tested positive for covid. Must have caught it at the funeral, but didn't give it to us - we did tests last evening to be sure - all negative.

    J had to work early today - a meeting for the learning assistants before school.

    We two are going out for a garden centre lunch and M&S food shopping - brilliant sunshine, a lovely pink, purple and orange sunrise - but coats, scarves and gloves will be required!
  • Hi all, just read through all your messages and see that quite a lot has been happening.
    Hope that you are all all right now and that various problems have resolved themselves.

    Had a weekend of meals out for dau's birthday which was yesterday. She went out with friends on Sat night, family meal with son and d-in-l on Sunday and then we went to Bella Italia last night. Quite full after all that eating so back to
    iron rations for a bit.

    It's been quite wet down here with more rain today, making up for all the rain we didn't have earlier in the year.

    Hope you all manage to keep dry and warm.
  • HEATHER Do take care of yourself. OG Sorry to hear your daughter and her Oh have covid. Glad to hear you haven't followed suit.
  • OG - I do hope you have avoided covid. It can take time to develop so maybe take another test in a couple of days. Fingers crossed you will be OK. Enjoy your outing tomorrow.
    After the dreadful weather yesterday, it has been beautiful today. I went to RSPB Conwy with a group. The views from the hides of the snow capped mountains were lovely. At first, we thought we weren’t going to see much but then the birds started to appear. We saw a huge selection of ducks. The highlights being 2 pairs of pochard and one long tailed duck. That has been there for a while and we were hoping we would see it. We saw some cute little grebes very close up, 2 red breasted mergansers, lots of little egrets, many waders and little hedgerow birds too. It was a shame though that the cafe isn’t open. It has been extended and improved and whilst they are doing staff training, the temporary snack truck isn’t open either!!!!! The shop was open though and I got 2 nice Christmas presents there.
  • Morning all:  Started cleaning 'my' room this morning and have made Zero Progress in between sorting through boxes of memorabilia that I've already sorted through and need to Make a Decision about said things and being distracted by World Cup games.  (AQ:  Oz and France on now.  Is your OH a fan?).

    OG;  Glad you've escaped Covid

    Diane:  I understand re 'can't face TxGiving.'   Have a quiet and calm day and say Hi to all your critters.   Talking of which:  Granddaughter was awakened at one yesterday morning by the horse making a huge racket in the stall.   She went out with her gun (arghh - well she is a sheriff) and spotted a mountain lion in the field across the road.   It slunk off, but is clearly in the neighborhood - maybe keeping an eye out of smaller critters, like their goat?  :-(

    Everyone else:  Take care.