Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.

Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!

Hello to all.

  • AQ - my OH was pretty useless at remembering his pills - all of which were taken at breakfast time. I tried a weekly dispensing box but eventually put each day's dose in an eggcup on the table beside the fresh strawberries which he always had with breakfast 365 days a year. It was either that, or going into full nurse mode and watching to make sure he took them....

  • LINDY - I'm sorry, but I had to laugh about your OH telling Sue to save the money and keep the old decor ! It sounded a bit familiar to me.
  • Heather B said:
    LINDY - I'm sorry, but I had to laugh about your OH telling Sue to save the money and keep the old decor ! It sounded a bit familiar to me.

    It was said to make you laugh!!"  We are often as unalike as chalk & cheese! I look to spend, & my OH is famous for being Scrooge like!  We somehow come out somewhere in between. 

    Putting back my cookbooks on the kitchen shelf, now, and turning to the rest of the house which has a fine layer of dust all over just about everything, mostly caused by the tiling work.

    Here is a part of our finished job:

    I wanted pale green but this was the nearest we could find. After deciding not to attach them in the now popular "brick" style, in case it looks dated, later, I said to my OH that they are unfortunately reminiscent of public toilets!!!!! LOL! (He then confessed that he had been thinking the same, but darent say so!)

  • Note that on the stove in the previous picture, the clock on the front is permanently on 12 noon, as we found it impossible to change correctly!

  • ps. My OH is completely hopeless at remembering to take pills-- I have to be in charge, and leave the two packets he needs in front of the kettle each night so that he remembers them in the morning. Then, I give him one at 6.00pm every day. This is of course in addition to my own medication, which I take 3 times a day.

    He does, thank goodness, remember to order new supplies, as now its so much easier on the NHS App.
  • ps. My OH is completely hopeless at remembering to take pills-- I have to be in charge, and leave the two packets he needs in front of the kettle each night so that he remembers them in the morning. Then, I give him one at 6.00pm every day. This is of course in addition to my own medication, which I take 3 times a day.

    He does, thank goodness, remember to order new supplies, as now its so much easier on the NHS App.
  • LINDY - the tiles look good - you are lucky having a clever husband !
    My cooker clock isn't functioning properly either, and it doesn't bother me one bit as I never use the timer.
  • Lindy - I like your tiles. I have blue and white (mostly white) and they could be mistaken for pubic toilets too. Ha ha!!!! (By the way, I don’t think yours do. They are far too posh)
    Heather - I hope you are feeling better.
    The weather is extremely damp and gloomy here. Yesterday at the party, my sister gave me my advent calendar (a family tradition dating back to the year dot!!) It is sparkly so I have put it up!! It’s just an ordinary one - no chocolate or anything. I am having a day at home writing Christmas cards and watching football!!!!!
  • Good morning on dull but dry Monday.

    LINDA – your in-laws do seem to have a lot of family trouble – something to do with their genes? I like the kitchen photos – a much fresher green than public toilet/council building green.

    ANNETTE – your Daughter will be pleased to have her new apartment looking like home with pictures etc. I hope your GD will not be too sick with the flu to undertake the temp promotion!

    No news here – same old, same old! Cleaners later, so tidying etc now. Even J remembered to remove his ironing from the dining room before work this morning! So glad he doesn’t have far to drive on these dark mornings.
  • Had to sign in again. Luckily I had only written a couple of sentences.

    Lindy, I thought your tiles looked nice and bright and certainly not like those in a public loo.