Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful week.

Hard snow and high winds on my patch tonight. The red Northern Cardinals were feeding frantically until darkness fell. They were pulling the poor hibernating wasps out of their nest and eating them. I had to clean and disinfect my boots at dusk because I stepped in coyote scat (poo) when I went to the mailbox!

Hello to all.

  • AQ: I hope the flooding won't endanger you when it reaches your region. Thinking of you.

    OG: I'm glad you were able to enjoy your time with your daughter. Also glad that J is coping well with his current job. Hugs to you and EE.

    LINDY: So glad the kitchen work is near completion. I'll bet it's lovely.

    HARELADY: I hope you are still covid free.

    HEATHER: I hope you enjoyed your time with your friends and Amy is much better now.

    RUSTY: I always enjoy your accounts of your birdwatching and other activities with your friends.

    CC: I don't know whether you still read this thread, but I thought of you today. I know your area of New York got a historic 5 feet of snow. I hope you are safe tonight.

  • Thank you for starting us off Diane. Brrr. Your snow sounds cold and not very nice. I didn’t know the cardinals ate wasps. They must have been desperate. I am glad you like my birding reports. All being well, there should be another one after Tuesday.
    OG - I was very pleased to hear that J got through a whole week. I hope it continues. He must be enjoying it.
    Lindy - I hope the kitchen is now finished.
    I was very pleased with myself as I got my 7 overseas cards done yesterday including 3 with letters which I wrote in French! I also parcelled up the present for my Canadian friends. I will post it to Arizona as they are setting off soon to drive (4..5 days!!!) to just outside Phoenix where they spend the winter golfing. I think they are called “snowbirds” is that right? I went in 2019 in February and March for a month. We played golf 3 times a week.
    Today I am going for a walk this morning with a friend. We quite often do this particular local walk on a Sunday morning and have a good old catch up with all the news. This afternoon I am going to a birthday party for my 4 year old great nephew!!!!
  • Thank you DIANE ! Yes, Amy is back to normal, now. Her insulin pump was not malfunctioning as was thought. It was a nasty infection that caused her to develop the Diabetic Ketoacidosis, according to the hospital.
    Also, another thank you to everyone for their posts.
    RUSTY - Cards written and letters in French ! Amazing. As are you, with all that you do.
    My visitors left last Wednesday - maybe I overdid things as I ended up with very swollen feet - they looked like two Cornish pasties ! Ankles invisible. Then on Friday a nasty stomach bug decided to visit, which resulted in no birthday lunch for me. It was only going to be eldest daughter coming but I was sorry to cancel. Whatever next ?

  • HI! What a night – sneezed all night – including one episode which lasted over an hour! Much better now – just the occasional sneeze. A lovely sunny day, but didn’t attempt church – actually sunshine increases the sneezing anyway!

    DIANE – thanks for our new week. Sorry about the boots – I guess that would be a really smelly – at least as bad as fox.

    RUSTY - sounds like a great way to spend Sunday, with a walk and a party – enjoy!

    HEATHER – I hope the feet returned to normal and that you are fully recovered from the birthday bug – best that it was before celebration as it might have set you wondering if it followed different food! I hope your daughter still visited to check that you were okay.

    Been looking at weather forecast – I think that Wednesday (lunch at G Centre and shopping M&S) will have to move to Tuesday this week due to probable rain. Need to check with diary and OH.
  • Hello. Was busy yesterday, and then this morning, although I could read these posts, it would not let me in to join in or post!!

    Even as I write this, I don't know if I'm going to be "Lindybird" or "LindyB" ......
  • Ah! I see that I'm Lindybird today! I had three sessions of trying to log in!

    Thank you to Diane for starting us off, and thank you to all those who have posted recently.

    Heather, sorry you've been in the wars, and it sounds as if we've missed your birthday. Have a Happy Birthday when you can finally celebrate it. A shame you felt bad after your guests left: I can't imagine they were too much trouble as they sound like lovely people. Look after yourself, now.

    We just went to visit Sue, who is still settling into her new abode, and needed to discuss some changes to the decor. I made lots of suggestions, and my OH told his sister to just "leave everything & save your money!" She gave us each a Portuguese tart, which is a yummy tart, & I didn't tell her that I recently cut out all those sorts of goodies from my diet in an effort to (yet again) lose a few pounds. We spoke of other members of my OHs extended family who all have problems: life seems to throw them up at us regularly. We did a lot of sighing. We can't do much about any of it, except to be supportive.

  • Lindy - didn't anyone tell you calories don't count when you are not at home? (Oh, how I wish that was true!!)
  • Morning all:   Got A LOT done this past week in terms of organizing, making phone calls, arranging this and that.  Going to daughter's this morning to help put up pictures and arrange closets since a lot of her stuff is still in boxes.  Granddaughter and Ms. D still languishing with the flu in AZ.   Granddaughter is also 'acting' sergeant for the next six weeks while her boss takes off....

    Diane:  Thank you.  Stay warm!

    AQ:  Condolences that your media spends so much time on US politics but, as we say, it's often easier than watching our own.

    Rusty:  Yes, snowbirds is the term.  When I drive to AZ during the winter months the campgrounds along the I-10 and AZ 60 are packed with huge RVs from all over the northern states.   Some folks have have houses/condominiums/manufactured homes.   Bravo on the French

    Heather: Hope your ankles have subsided.

    OG:  Hope J's job continues to go well; glad your visit with daughter went well too.

    Lindybird  Good to see you again.  :-)

    Dare I say I'm barely going to hose down this morning before I go to daughter's?  Plan to be back for lunch and then a lazy afternoon and a nice long shower..

    Sorry if I missed responding to specific bits of news!  Take care everyone.

  • I am back from the 4 year old’s party. He had a lovely time. Robots and transformers seemed to be a theme of his presents and they all made a lot of noise!!!! My niece cooked a lasagne and an apple crumble. Yum. His other great aunt had made the cake which was gorgeous.
    Heather - I am so sorry you haven’t been well and therefore unable to enjoy your birthday. I hope your ankles and the nasty stomach bug are all better now.
    OG - I wonder what caused the sneezing? I trust it isn’t a cold? Hope you get out on Tuesday. Tomorrow certainly looks as though it is going to be wild and wet.
    Lindy - those Portuguese tarts are only very small so don’t really count calorie wise!!!! Sorry about the family problems you discussed. As you say, you can only be supportive.
    Annette - it sounds as if you have been very busy. I hope today at your daughter’s went well too. Re my Canadian snowbird friends. They rent a very nice 2 bedroom bungalow on an over 55s complex. It is a gated community and is very pleasant. They know quite a few people there now both in the community and through golf, so have quite a good social life.
  • Thanks DIANE. I hope your weather improves. There were scenes of deep snow on our news from your land.
    Our suburb is unlikely to suffer from floods. I have been reading but too busy (doing nothing in particular) to reply to each of you