Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 November 2022


I hope everyone has a peaceful, easy week. 

Well, folks, winter made a hard landing on the Midwest today. On Wednesday, the temperature on my patch was 70 degrees F (that's 21 C) with sunshine and a breathtaking sapphire blue sky. The forecasters warned us that it would turn cold Saturday (today) with a light "dusting" of snow. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up, 4 inches of drifting snow covered the ground in a gale-force wind! The Northern Cardinal pair has been coming to my porch to eat the late-season wasps, and the red male landed on the window sill and looked at me with such a confused expression! LOL I was lucky. The winter storm hit further north with such ferocity that the interstate highways had to be closed!

Hello to all!

  • Annette - the names of the cinemas you mentioned brought back memories. In the city where I was brought up we went as children to the special Saturday morning presentations. I think we got a cartoon and then a western or something. It can’t have been very expensive. I will ask my cousin next time we talk. He might remember. It was a local cinema too. We could walk there. We were just sent there on our own. Those were the days.
    Diane - so sorry you have got such cold weather. Brrr. I hope you are managing to keep warm.
    Lindy - snap. I too am going to make a start on my Christmas cards tomorrow. The overseas ones will need posting soon. I dread to think how much the stamps will be and I will buy my ordinary stamps at the same time. I guess I need to prepare myself for a shock when it comes to paying!!
    I can imagine your relief that the tiling is nearing completion.
  • Gardenbirder: Nice to see you!!! Interesting story. Yup, moving that much snow is a lot of work and can't be done quickly, even if you're young. I hope all is well in your world, and you're healthy and happy. I suspect you're missing the ospreys by now.

  • Harelady: Nice to see you!!! I hope your daughter is recovering, and I'm really glad that you didn't catch covid. Some of the rural small towns around me have those old-style cinemas. They have such charm. Hope you enjoyed the film.
  • ANNETTE – You may be surprised to know how much news of your land is on our news – interviews, analyses, pre & post-mortems, often the main feature even before our local news. Likewise with UK events.

    I had a morning out with my camera, returning late for lunch. For OH I had left a suggestion which he ate. Me – Did you remember your pill? Him – I didn’t think of it. <sigh> He has some pill/s with every meal.

    We have had more rain and some “normal” thunderstorms. Weeding very difficult as the clay is so heavy when wet. I should not complain as NSW & VIC are still suffering floods, some are the worst in memory or since records kept. That water will flow down to our Riverland next month. Frantic efforts to repair levees are underway.

  • Missed a couple of days posting – very tired and had really painful feet, hard to think!

    Visit of Dau and her OH on Wednesday was good – not as difficult as I had feared after such a long time. They could only stay a couple of hours, and as expected could not see J. They took some shortbread home with them!

    J himself managed his first week of full time very well. There will be a day off (no pay) Thursday next week when the teachers are intending to strike.

    ANNETTE – do pace yourself gently with the “Getting Things Done”!

    HARELADY – sounds like you are making good use of the time gained from semi-retirement. Our town has a small 3-screen privately owned cinema, and also screens big “Arts” events as well as the popular releases. I have never been there!

    DIANE – sorry the cold weather is threatening. We are almost down to “normal for the time of year” but haven’t had any real nasties here – there was flooding near Grandsons yesterday.

    RUSTY – I sent a number of stamps in for “Swapping” to the new barcoded ones – haven’t had the new ones back. If you have old Christmas specials they can be used without swapping. Must get cards done, as there are to be UK postal strikes on several days before Christmas.

    AQ – I hope the accumulating flood waters will not affect you or your Daughters.

    Have baked Canada Cakes this morning – boiled fruitcake, so started last night to bake off today. Having a moderately quiet weekend to help J to be ready for Monday. I need to look at some potential sales purchases and some Christmas food orders.
  • HARELADY Hope you enjoyed "Living". We are booked to see it tomorrow. It has a good write up and I love Bill Nighy so am looking forward to it. We saw a screening of The Royal Ballet Diamond Celebration on Wednesday..... couldn't believe one of the male leads was 6' 3"!!! We went to the craft fair at Eden Court this morning and have also booked to see a Verdi Selection next Friday. That is 4 visits to our local theatre in 10 days so I do feel we are doing our bit to support it.

    OG Hope your feet improve soon. I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot which is also a bit of a nightmare. Glad to hear Js teaching has worked well for him. Hope it keeps up.