Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 November 2022


I hope everyone has a peaceful, easy week. 

Well, folks, winter made a hard landing on the Midwest today. On Wednesday, the temperature on my patch was 70 degrees F (that's 21 C) with sunshine and a breathtaking sapphire blue sky. The forecasters warned us that it would turn cold Saturday (today) with a light "dusting" of snow. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up, 4 inches of drifting snow covered the ground in a gale-force wind! The Northern Cardinal pair has been coming to my porch to eat the late-season wasps, and the red male landed on the window sill and looked at me with such a confused expression! LOL I was lucky. The winter storm hit further north with such ferocity that the interstate highways had to be closed!

Hello to all!

  • RUSTY: I wish you the VERY BEST results on your test. You seem to be in impressive physical health (all that walking!), so I'm convinced the outcome will be good!
  • OG: I hope you enjoyed your time with your daughter. Thought about you today. I also hope J will enjoy his new job and it will lead to long-term and fulfilling work for him.
  • RUSTY – Too bad you have to wait so long for results. I shall continue to think of you with my fingers crossed.

    Strange news across the Pacific. Interesting (?) times ahead.

    Some homes & businesses still have no power after Saturday’s storm. On Monday Chauffeur-Friend fled to son’s home after throwing freezer contents in bin; her power was restored this morn. School-Friend returned from interstate holiday to find huge gum tree had fallen on neighbour’s house and just missed hers. Nine schools were still closed today. This in midst of Year 12 final exams. Some students will be assessed on year’s work only. And then there is tomorrow. A sunny day expected; our state has so much solar & wind power generated that it is normally exported to Victoria. But, one of the pylons of the interconnector was flattened and not yet temp replaced. With too much power generated, some may have power shutdown. Our battery at Jamestown can’t cope. Go green, use renewable energy, they say.

  • AQ - it sounds as if School Friend was lucky, with a near miss on her home. Hope the power problems are short lived.

    Good Morning. It rained all night here by the sound if it, after raining all morning yesterday. My OH has gone off to play golf which was postponed yesterday. He fell asleep watching TV yesterday, after his marathon stint at decorating. This morning he said he'd slept in his bed like a log. I gave the speech about "You're not 45 any more, pace yourself" but I know it makes no difference.
  • Hi all, just looking in.
    Saturday's RBL concert was very moving. Listening to the Bocelli's sing was an inspiration. Watched the highlights from the Cenotaph as was in church in the morning.

    Weather showery down here. Not a lot happening but looking forward to Sunday when Son is taking us out for lunch to celebrate dau's/sister's birthday which is on Monday. I am taking her out on her birthday to Bellla Italia as we have some vouchers we can use..

    Hope all is OK. Just read that the results from the USA have kept the Demo's in office.
  • OG - pleased to hear that J has managed to get a job locally, let's hope that he can continue there. Have a lovely time with dau as she pops in on the way home.

    Rusty - Im sure that if it was urgent they would call you in earlier, I'm sure it won't be so keep on hanging in there.

    AQ and Diane , different weather conditions in worlds apart, do hope its not too bad for you.

    Listened to sermon on Sunday which is always an awkward subject. Got the impression that our Minister would rather be a a Pacifist. Its a very awkward subject to talk about. I know that I couldn't go along with one of the conflicts and that was the Falklands War but that is a personal view.. At least we remember all who fell in all conflicts which is as it should be nowadays.
  • Well, LINDA, we did resist eating any of the shortbread yesterday! Sounds like your OH got rather carried away! Another sunny day here – so far. Hope it stays dry for our Daughter’s long journey home – we are ready for their arrival.

    DIANE – J is still on his casual contract, but his current arrangement with Gretna is up to the Christmas holiday – 23rd December. We just hope he sees it through for six whole weeks full-time! Any extension depends on need.

    LYNETTE – enjoy your Daughter’s birthday celebrations at the weekend. You are so right that we should remember the fallen in all past and ongoing conflicts – whatever “side” they are on! I am a pacifist, and told my OH when we married, that if he ever decided to join the armed forces I would leave him. The S-i-L calling in today is ex-army and I hate it (I like him as much as I am able).

    Well, they aren’t here yet – no idea what time they will come. OH has just finished tidying the kitchen, so will be putting “better” clothes on now.
  • Thanks for the reassurance Lynnette and thanks to all for your kind wishes re the mammogram.
    OG - I hope you and EE enjoy the family visit. I am sure the shortbread will go down well.
    Lynnette - we went to Bella Italia at Center Parks. My pasta was very good but I had no room for a dessert!!!! Enjoy both your meals out.
    It is a lovely bright morning here, so after my visit to Tescos, I walked down my local lane to look for the redwings which often come to the bushes in a field there. I didn’t see them today even though there were lots of berries (hawthorn and sloes) but I did see a lovely wren. I have decided to put off the cleaning until tomorrow and do some garden tidying this afternoon.
  • AQ: Good grief. Hope that storm isn't a precursor of storms to come: "those once-in-a-hundred-years" events that seem to show up every 2 or 3 years. Yes, the Orange Menace has announced his intention to run again (how could he possibly back down with that ego, even though his own people told him to hold off!?). Republican party leaders aren't thrilled at all as they blame him for costing the party the the mid-term support of the moderate Republicans and Independents who put him in office last time round. And this time he'll be challenged by Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida (former Trump buddy now nicknamed Ron DiSanctimonious by Trump) another nasty right-winger. Sigh. Yuk.

    Busy days here but am Getting Things Done!

    Take care everyone.
  • Been to get my haircut, in such bright sunshine as I drove there, that I had to get out my sunglasses! The hairdresser was her usual chatty self, and we talked about our holidays, as she has just come back from Turkey (where I have never been but which seems increasingly popular).

    Did a bit of food shopping, noticing that yet more prices have gone up. Its really shocking, and I worry as to how some people are going to cope when it's not just food, but fuel, petrol and Council Tax, too.

    Have begun cleaning the kitchen ready to return some of my cookbooks and ornaments soon. My OH played golf this morning and then gloss painted the back door this afternoon. He hates things dragging on, once he's begun.

    I saw that Donald Duck is thinking of running for President again, and just hope that it backfires on him as he's not as popular as he once was.