Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 November 2022


I hope everyone has a peaceful, easy week. 

Well, folks, winter made a hard landing on the Midwest today. On Wednesday, the temperature on my patch was 70 degrees F (that's 21 C) with sunshine and a breathtaking sapphire blue sky. The forecasters warned us that it would turn cold Saturday (today) with a light "dusting" of snow. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up, 4 inches of drifting snow covered the ground in a gale-force wind! The Northern Cardinal pair has been coming to my porch to eat the late-season wasps, and the red male landed on the window sill and looked at me with such a confused expression! LOL I was lucky. The winter storm hit further north with such ferocity that the interstate highways had to be closed!

Hello to all!

  • Only took 2 photographs on our trip this time-- this is a memorial cross set above the town on a convenient hill in the middle of Caernarfon. There were many pretty trees on the turn everywhere which is what I love about Autumn.

  • Unknown said:
    J also went to his church – and came home disgusted at the sermon which told a string of lies about the symbolism of the Poppy!

    Where does he go to church?  I can't help but think what Limpy would have said if he'd been present.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG hope J enjoys the teaching in Gretna.
  • I am just back from my first annual follow up mammogram. My appointment to get the results is the week before Christmas!!! I will just try to forget about it until then. The drive there was horrid. It was rush hour in heavy rain and I had to drive through a flood!!! They were pumping the flood away when I got to that point on the way back. I decided I needed a treat so I called in at my Sainsburys Local and bought a packet of their giant triple choc cookies!!! I have just had one with a cup of coffee!!! Yum!!
    Lindy - thanks for the photos. I am glad you got a good break before all this horrid rain came. I don’t know whether I could have eaten 3 courses!
    OG - I do hope that job at Gretna suits J.
    Annette and Diane - I see another of T’s minions has been defeated in AZ.
  • LINDA – no need to feel guilty about three courses when one of them is Melon! Glad the weather held out over the weekend and the journey home went well.

    CLARE – J goes to a normally very traditional church in the town where we live – Church of Scotland. I suppose it must be difficult for ministers to find things to say at a “civil ceremony” where not all attenders are believers!

    RUSTY – hoping and praying for a good result when you get it – and glad you gave yourself a treat on the way home! J seemed very calm after his first day and went off okay this morning – although I know he is wondering about how he will cope with five days a week, which he hasn’t done for a long time.

    We have made the shortbread this morning - just out of the oven - to share with daughter tomorrow – they said they wouldn’t try to aim for a specific mealtime, so we don’t even know if they will be here before or after lunch – could provide cheese and crackers if needed (she is a veggie with allergies so not easy to feed!).
  • OG - there's no excuse for the minister speaking untruths, the symbolism of the red poppy during and since WW1 is not difficult to research - plus earlier history of the flower and it's traditional meaning etc.
    I'm reading all posts on here and Thank you, ALL. my visitors are here until tomorrow.
  • Rusty -- You deserve the cookies! I hate rush hour traffic, and I hate rain when driving, so don't blame you for feeling that way. Hope your results are good when you eventually get them.

    OG - You can't cook shortbread without eating any today! Mine wouldn't last until tomorrow, as the smell is so delicious. I hope the visit goes well tomorrow.

    My OH has been tiling as I did the ironing, well out of the way. When he reached a point where he had to stop, ready for the next tiling stage, he took out his dust sheets and began to paint the ceiling. Now he's finished that, he's painting the walls!! We have only a few parts of wall visible, as the ceiling is very low, and most of the cupboards reach it. I chose a sunny yellow many years ago, and it comes through a small archway to flow into the dining room which is the same. The dining room is pleasant, and looks out into the back garden, but was darkened by our addition of the conservatory, so needs cheering up.

    EDIT :  Of course, I had to drop what I was doing, and rush in to rescue my wall plates, pictures and ornaments!! Not to mention the saucepans!!

  • Hope you're enjoying your visitors, Heather. I'm sure they're no trouble.

    Rusty - We had a small plate of melon with fruit couli for our starter, otherwise I couldn't contemplate pudding!!

    It's dull and wet here. Popped out to feed the birds and very few have come to look at my offerings, so maybe there is a predator about. There was an article in the TV Breakfast News today about the ongoing problem of people killing our wonderful Birds of Prey in the UK. It does make my blood boil! Even though we hsve had laws against it for over 100 years, there are still cases every year of shooting, trapping and poisoning. Grr.

  • LINDY Gosh, your OH is busy. We chose a sunny yellow for our kitchen/breakfast room many years ago. When we repainted we chose a sort of lime green. Not sure what next???
  • LINDY Saw that article on the slaughter of our magnificent birds of prey. Like you it makes me so very angry.