Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 November 2022


I hope everyone has a peaceful, easy week. 

Well, folks, winter made a hard landing on the Midwest today. On Wednesday, the temperature on my patch was 70 degrees F (that's 21 C) with sunshine and a breathtaking sapphire blue sky. The forecasters warned us that it would turn cold Saturday (today) with a light "dusting" of snow. I slept in this morning, and when I woke up, 4 inches of drifting snow covered the ground in a gale-force wind! The Northern Cardinal pair has been coming to my porch to eat the late-season wasps, and the red male landed on the window sill and looked at me with such a confused expression! LOL I was lucky. The winter storm hit further north with such ferocity that the interstate highways had to be closed!

Hello to all!

  • Stormy night and still quite windy this morn. Many people have been affected by power outages and 50 school closed due to damage. Friend sent brief massage that her outage not expected to be fixed until Tuesday! We are safe. This storm will increase the flooding in eastern states.

    RUSTY – Good morning from DownUnder. Sounds like a great time was had by you & friends.

  • Aussieland commemorates Remembrance Day on the day, 11 Nov, with wreath-laying ceremonies at war memorials at 11 am and poppies placed on graves of returned service people. The Airport adjusts plane takeoffs & landings so not to interfere with ceremonies below flight path.
  • AQ: I'm glad you're safe after all the rough weather. Hope your birds come back.

    Heather: I hope Amy is recovering well now. I was sorry she had been so ill

    OG: I'm glad your cold is better. I was happy to see that you've been able to get out of the house a bit. Sorry J has had a rough time. Hugs to you and EE.

    Lindy: I loved all your beautiful vacation photos. Sorry it was so hot. Hope the boiler is fine now.

    Sorry no more replies. I'm warm under the covers typing on my phone. Lol
  • Annette: I don't watch PBS Newshour, but I agree with the quote!
  • Good morning – weather cooling by approx. one degree per day – another sunny morning. All the grass got mowed at the weekend – finished yesterday afternoon. Also finished moving geraniums under cover – so ready for winter! (?) We saw something unusual yesterday – the Robin had a complete bath and shower by total immersion in the water feature – seen plenty of other bathing birds, but never seen a Robin having a bath before!

    DIANE – thanks for starting the week – a sudden hit of winter weather over your way – take care! Election results promising – just!

    AQ – glad you remembered where to find the magic button! Those storms were really bad – hope they have disappeared out to sea somewhere!

    LINDA – I never go to church on “Remembrance Sunday” but OH went – he actually had a couple of jobs to do in the service. J also went to his church – and came home disgusted at the sermon which told a string of lies about the symbolism of the Poppy! I did “do” the two minutes silence, as I fell asleep for two hours! Glad you had a good meal out – surprised at three courses! We had roast beef for Sunday dinner last night – unusual for us to do a roast.

    J received a text on Saturday, asking him to work at Gretna Primary until Christmas! It came from a mobile, so he phoned immediately and had a really good chat – including important information re what he will be doing, pattern of the school day and week (including coffee break and lunchtime) etc. He set off quite happily this morning! We these weeks while he is working, and hope maybe something else will follow now he is back at work. He has also received some pay for several odd days he did in recent months! Gretna is very convenient for driving and for calling at Tesco for a sandwich for the next day!

    Cleaners will both be here this afternoon, so hopefully insides of windows will all get cleaned, and some ironing done! Trying to find time to bake shortbread for Daughter#2 on Wednesday – she and her OH will call in on their long journey home from his mother’s funeral in Northwich (Cheshire), so they won’t have much time with us before they continue to Inverness. It is unfortunate that J will miss seeing his Sister.
  • OG: Good news about J and that the job is also so convenient. Now I must make time to find out the various interpretations of the poppy's meaning.

    A busy morning here. Spent last evening make long To-Do list for the week. I see way too many 'official' follow ups and phone calls to various agencies and companies and minutes/hours of waiting on the phone, in a line. Blech.
  • OG: Good news about J and that the job is also so convenient. Now I must make time to find out the various interpretations of the poppy's meaning.

    A busy morning here. Spent last evening make long To-Do list for the week. I see way too many 'official' follow ups and phone calls to various agencies and companies and minutes/hours of waiting on the phone, in a line. Blech.
  • ANNETTE: Democrat Katie Hobbs is the projected winner against Kari Lake for governor of Arizona. Just announced. Thought you'd want to know before you go to bed.
  • Diane: Yes!! By a very slim margin - and she's likely to cry foul. . Still, looks like the Repubs are just one short of the House (but we don't see them crying foul do we?).

  • Good Morning. Tuesday already! We are back home, after a good journey back yesterday. It began raining as we packed the car to leave, so we were very grateful that we'd had a few days in the warm and without rain. When we went out for our pub lunch, we didn't even wear coats!

    OG - Yes, we had 3 courses even though I swore I would not do it again. Their Sunday menu includes 3 courses, and we went there saying we would only order two of them, but my OH was salivating over the chance to have crumble & custard, one of his favourites! So I gave in. Of course, I later regretted it as I was too full to move in the afternoon....

    Great news that J has been offered a job which is so convenient. I hope it all works out for him as hoped.

    Diane, Good to hear from you - keep warm!