Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2022


The eclipse occurs in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. It will be visible in the U.S. and Australia, but not in the U.K. However, many sites will stream it online with commentary.

I'll put a link to a nice list of online streaming science sites in a post below.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

Everyone have a joyful week.

  • Hello from Wales -- gosh, lots written on here recently. Will reply to some of it later.

    We had a good journey on quiet(er) roads, and arrived in time for lunch. Priority was to put on the heating, as it gets cold when it's been empty. To our dismay, we found that the boiler was not firing. Luckily our park warden or whatever he calls himself was here, and he had a look. Then he scratched his head -- he didn't know what was wrong. So he called in a heating engineer, who was thankfully not far away. He's here now, and quoting terrible amounts for new parts or alternatively, a new boiler..... . Argh!
  • OG Do hope things are improving for you all.
  • Morning all:   Helped daughter move from her upstairs studio apartment yesterday to the one-bedroom downstairs she'd been waiting or and which came available much sooner than expected.  Hired help very helpful, sweet and not expensive (it pays to shop around).  I went to my last physical therapy appt in the morning but probably would've done better to go after!   Has been unseasonably cool here with low temps in the high 30Fs at night.

    Lindybird:  Re family member who changed his name (assume it wasn't Badcock!), you have to wonder at the motivation, but his decision regardless.  Ms. D's last name is her father's and I wouldn't be too upset if she took granddaughter's last name (also mine) as neither she nor I took our OH's name when we married.   Took a trip up that lovely (narrow?) mountain road to Mirador del Rio; elevation is 1,550ft, not that high but when it's a sheer drop-off, pretty darn impressive.  The highest point of the hills behind us are about 4,800ft  fortunately not a sharp drop off but the sudden views can be distracting to drivers coming over the San Marcos Pass (which is a dangerous road anyway, people are always misjudging their speed on the curves.).  Argh.  By now you've figured out how much to fix the boiler....   :-(

    AQ:  In our house, wine also rhymes with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - and Saturday and Sunday!  :-)  Glad you got back online - I can't get my head around the complexities that make up the digital world.  I remember when we had to "book" a long-distance call to the U.S. - so exciting hearing the chat between the local and overseas operators.  I ordered three books for Ms. D for Xmas that she specifically requested.  Math, Science and English skills books for kids transitioning to Jr. High next fall. How much fun is that?  :-(   Good thing she still likes Wimpy Kid and adventure books too.  Hope the bakery isn't closed too long; sounds like an emergency.  

    Heather:  How long are Danish friends staying?  Can't say I'm ever enthusiastic about house-cleaning.  Glad you got the boiler fixed and hope the bill isn't too scary.

    Rusty:  I'm trying to get my social life (not as busy as yours!) back in gear.  I fell out of touch with several friends what with the events of this past year. Also, having a husband means you do have to stay home some of the time. :-)  Is the winter jasmine fragrant (as Lynette hints?)

    Lynette:  I always remember Churchill's comment about the Battle of Britain:  'Never has so much been owed by so many to so few.'   And that was just one part of one war.  Makes you wonder about the proclivity of the human race to waging wars.  Glad  your medical issues are being sorted, albeit slowly.

    Probably should summon up the energy to sort out breakfast.  Won't be going too far today or doing too much.

    Take care everyone.

  • Have had a lovely day out today. Took my friend with the broken wrist to the seaside. We parked at Goring on Sea, near Littlehampton, and walked to Worthing. Walked - got blown - along the pier, found a decent looking fish and chips shop and took our food to a bench by the sea where we were threatened by gulls but managed to eat our delicious food - fish and chips always tastes better by the sea! Then walked back to the car - and discovered we had walked a total of 14,500 steps, almost six and a half miles. It now feels like it - I'm out of practice. Hoping for a good sleep later before a busy weekend. But how lovely it was to walk by the sea in a short-sleeved tee shirt in November! And to sit out in the sunshine eating fish and chips.
  • All of that sounds just wonderful, Pat. Yes, all food tastes better outdoors.

    Annette: Relative has just become a father, and this prompted him to think about changing names, as it had to go on the birth certificate, I suppose. (Dibnlib, I was a little puzzled by your question, so we were at cross purposes, LOL!!)

    Our heating was fixed eventually by a helpful (& handsome) young man who thankfully persisted in researching by phone with the experts, resulting in a sudden noise of everything breaking into life, thank goodness. Wanted to hug him but decided it wasn't appropriate. He told us that the part needed was inexpensive. At least we needn't turn back & go home
  • Rusty, love the winter jasmine, so pretty.

    Diane, nice to hear that you're OK. Shame that you'll have to wait for spring to get the house fixed. We do think about you often.

    OG - Hope you can all manage a good weekend.

    Heather- Enjoy your visit from your Danish friends. I'm sure they won't be looking for dust!

    (Our house is thick with dust right now as when my OH rips the tiles from the wall, they leave a residue which floats around, and when he cuts up the new tiles,he does it outside but there still seems to be a sort of dust from everything. Consequently, I gave up dusting for the last two weeks and now you can write your name on most of the furniture -- I hope nothing happens to me as I dread to think what people would think if they saw it!)

  • Now looking back, and can see that Annette's been busy helping her daughter move. Always a fraught time. Do hope she'll be happy in her new abode, and continues to improve health wise.
  • RUSTY – I like to start early with χmas shopping lest covid, etc strike. This week I bought the basis of our χmas dinner for two – turkey roll on special. Alas my plans to post overseas χmas cards before PO deadline is failing as I have not started the letters to be enclosed.

    LINDA – Over the years, especially after WWI, many immigrants to DownUnder anglicised their names or shortened long central European names, eg Grunberger or Grun would become Green. Some branches retained the old, others changed – making life difficult for family historians.

    LYNETTE – medical issues resolving slowly but, I hope, surely.

    ANNETTE – Miss11 prefers non-fiction (like moi). Her latest choice is “Roar Like a Lion”, subtitled “How animals can help YOU be your best self.” Chapters include Be Yourself, Discover Your Pack, Sniff Out Joy. It is tightly bound so I’d better not peek too much. LOL

    Today FC arrived in our city with the annual C-mas Pageant. Alas, so did storms, thunder, lightning, rain.  80 floats plus marching bands, calisthenic teams in parade. I felt so sorry for the little dancing girls in their skimpy costumes.

    I must sign off, it is teeming, rain is pelting agin window. I hope no power failure .

  • Later -  I have never seen a storm like that. Huge sheets of rain were swirling around our backyard, beating into windows in all directions. No damage to us. Remember the neighbour’s famous fence? Well, their 2-car-wide driveway gate blew down!

  • Shocking storm by the sound of it, AQ. Hope all is alright with your property. I start Christmas shopping on Boxing Day! If I see something that I think someone will like, I get it there & then. Mind you, we buy for far less people these days so it's not onerous.

    Dry with grey cloudy skies here this morning. We're off to buy food but don't need much as only here for a couple of days. Quite a few people staying here this week: perhaps like us they are taking advantage of the unusually mild weather.