Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2022


The eclipse occurs in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. It will be visible in the U.S. and Australia, but not in the U.K. However, many sites will stream it online with commentary.

I'll put a link to a nice list of online streaming science sites in a post below.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

Everyone have a joyful week.

  • DIBNLIB – Well done to Alison.

    HEATHER – Good news that Amy is home.

    OG – That’s one workplace that needs reporting, but these days no one cares.

    PAT, RUSTY & LINDA - Safely home.

    ANNETTE – News from your patch does not look inviting.

    “Only” 32 C today. Salad for evening meal.

  • Oh gosh AQ - think you have aircon in your living room?

  • So pleased that Amy is home, Heather.

    Rusty - You've had a busy time but it sounds as if you've enjoyed your family frolics! So much walking, too!!

    When we were to be married, we both compared notes on places we had been previously in our lives, and one which we agreed upon as special was Keswick. Consequently, we spent two days of our honeymoon there. We've also been back there many times as day visitors when in the area. A super little town.

    We've been busy today, which I will describe later, When we got home, the phone was flashing - a message had been left by the Awful Cousin from Canada!! Sadly, we are now on tenterhooks to hear when she might ring us back.....

  • OG -- Not a good way for the school to manage their staff, methinks. J must be disheartened.

    The moon has been extra bright, here, for the last couple of days. Missed the eclipse, of course.

    Fingers crossed for the results of the mid term Elections in USA. Don't hold out too much hope, though - things seem to be going somewhat downhill.
  • Lindy - ooooo !! Awful Cousin ringing. I wonder what that could mean!

    Annette and Diane - I am following the mid terms. It doesn’t look very promising and I think we are all worried about the lurking menace in Florida.

    I am still very tired after my weekend away but I went birdwatching with a group yesterday to Point of Ayr on the Dee estuary again. Amazingly we kept dry and saw some great birds. Sadly, the kingfisher didn’t put in an appearance. This morning I am going out with my other birding group (am I a bit obsessed??) to Connah’s Quay also on the Dee. Mornings are high tide this week so the birds are all pushed in nice and close to the hides.

    I thought you might like to see the magnificent cake my niece had made for her husband. It had a chocolate theme as you might have guessed. Plain cake inside though, but the butter cream was more like white chocolate!!!!! I was given a couple of pieces to bring home so I had one after yesterdays birding and the other is for this afternoon !!!!!

  • By the way, I hope it was clear that the cake was professionally made. My niece didn’t make it!!!!!!
  • Wow, what a great cake!!

    Good Morning. Dry and bright, here. Mild for November, but not 30 degrees as AQ is having!

    Going to potter around with various small things today, as my OH cracks on with the tiling. We're now looking forward to the finished kitchen, and putting everything back in place which is scattered around the house! We're hoping to go to Wales on Friday as we need to shut down the caravan for the winter, and it looks promising as it will be dry.
  • Back to our trip....  on the 3rd day, we had planned to go right to the top of the island. On the way, we saw parts of the main port of Arricife, which also has the airport next to it. My OH was leaning and trying to see a big cruise liner which was in port, but without a detour, we could not identify it. Further on,  there were pretty villages by the sea as we followed the right hand side of the coast going north.

  • More volcanoes, there are too many to put names on them.

  • Magically, at the top of the Island is another tiny island, called La Grasciousa.