Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2022


The eclipse occurs in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. It will be visible in the U.S. and Australia, but not in the U.K. However, many sites will stream it online with commentary.

I'll put a link to a nice list of online streaming science sites in a post below.

This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

Everyone have a joyful week.

  • https://www.space.com/blood-moon-lunar-eclipse-november-2022-livestreams

    You can see a list of the sites that will stream the Total Lunar Eclipse at the link above. 

  • Diane:  Thank you.  Not sure if I'll be up in the wee hours of Tuesday morning!  I do hope you're doing okay and hoping that things are a tad easier? How's your little house?  I assume you're still looking for a vehicle?  

    Rusty:  How nice that you all had a good time and especially your time in the pool.  When are you off home?

    Heather:  Really glad that Amy is getting over the attack.  I imagine any insulin pump will be watched very carefully from now on.  

    We are supposed to get rain early in the week, with 100% on Tuesday (in which case it won't matter whether I'm up in the wee hours or not).  

  • Thank you DIANE for starting us and for the eclipse alert. We should see it here with our rising temps and little chance of rain or clouds.

    HEATHER – I hope Amy continues to improve and that they can prevent it happening again.

    RUSTY – I am exhausted reading about your outing. LOL

    OG - You had a lovely day out, successful too.

    Summer is a-coming. Today a warm 28 C, higher tomorrow alas. OH is busy with sprinkler for lawn. My tomatoes & silverbeet  are enjoying it and growing fast.

  • Such a relief for you that Amy is recovering, Heather. It must be such a worry for you all.

    Good Morning and Thank You to Diane for starting us off again. Bright here after a wet and cloudy day yesterday.

    OG - Sounds like a good day out.

    Rusty - What fun! A good place to go, then.
  • We had a super day with the family. Here is Rosie having a good conversation on her phone - as we sat, she removed more and yet more toys from the big toybox, which had no doubt all been tidied away before we arrived!!

    A wet return on the motorway, and almost witnesses to a crash on the road, as we saw someone in front of us pull out into the fast outside lane right into the path of a fast moving car. This braked, and the perpetrator swung back into his previous position in a panic!  He must have missed seeing the fast car but you'd think you'd be more careful in a busy situation of four lanes of speeding vehicles. It was only later that I reflected that as we were only 2 cars behind, we could have been caught up in a multi vehicle pile up. Ugh.

  • Thanks Diane

    I have just written a long message telling everyone about my niece completing her first ultra marathon yesterday (33 miles) I mentioned that she was once very obese. Not going to write is all again and cross I didn't check I was signed in before I wrote it.

    Just to say HEATHER Hope Amy recovers quickly and is home soon.
  • Wow, that's a long distance, dibnlib. Well done to her! So disheartening for you to lose all you've written ... .
  • Lindybird:  Aha!  Lovely photo of little Rosie with such a sweet and gentle smile!

    dibnlib:  You've mentioned your niece's progress vis-a-vis her weight before - just brilliant.  But an ultra-marathon? I bet she was thrilled and deservedly proud of herself.

    AQ: Hope the summer's not too hot.

    Our clocks went back an hour last night.  OH asked me to make sure he was up by 8:30 but didn't say new or old time....

  • Just thought I would tell you a wee bit more about Alison, my niece. She used to be so very overweight, she was also not very clever and was bullied at school. A good few years ago she decided to do something about her weight and to get fitter,. She lost over 8 stone and had an op to remove surplus fat as exercising wasn't helping. She started going to the gym and from there started to do weekly park runs. She has travelled all over Scotland to do park runs and really enjoys them. I think she now has only 1 or 2 left to do in Scotland (Shetland and Lewis I think) She has done The Great North Run and last year did her first marathon (The Liverpool Pock and Roll). This was very hard for her as her Mum had died only a few days earlier. Yesterday she did her first ultra marathon (anything over 26 miles is classed as ultra) and it won't be her last. Along with looking good she has also gained in confidence and last year was asked by her local club to become a mentor for youngsters who want to start running. Her sister has championed her and goes along to support Alison whenever possible. Her lovely Mum was so proud of her and I am sad that she is no longer here. She would have been amazed at Alison running and enjoying an ultra marathon. OH and I are still shaking our heads and saying 33 miles....... wow.
  • dibnlib said:
    She would have been amazed at Alison running and enjoying an ultra marathon. OH and I are still shaking our heads and saying 33 miles....... wow.

    Wow for Alison ......... that would be ouch for me!  The most impressive distance I've ever done is a walk of 25 miles (the day before my O levels started!) and two swims of 2500 metres.  Alison absolutely puts me to shame.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.